Unable to start SQL SERVER service

  • Hi,

    I have 2 SQL server standard edition(x64) in a cluster..

    Earlier, a failover occured due the failure of the sql server service on one server.

    I checked and found the error to be error 18456, Severity:14 State:11.

    Manual attempt to start the service doesn't work.

    It says "Login failed for NT AUTHORITY\ANYNYMOUS LOGIN Client[xxx.xx.xx.xx].

    Can anyone help me out? I am unable to find a solution to the problem.



  • I'd check to make sure SQL Server runs under an account that has local admin privileges on each node. Also, make the Windows cluster service account a local admin as well on each node.

  • yep, I have already done that. The cluster service is still running and the SQL server service is running under the same domain account on the other node (after the failover occured).

    It was running fine with the same account earlier. Only the browser and full text search services are able ot run under the same account

    Just to add, everytime I attempt to start it writes the message below to the event log:

    The SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service terminated with service-specific error 17058 (0x42A2).

    Please help!!

  • We have a very similar environment and one of our clustered nodes went down and we tried to restart the sql service and the service continually failed , with whatever credentials we used.

    Did you try to launch SQL Configuration Manager? If not let me know if you receive an error message.

    If this is the same issue I had, what I did was looked for the VIA Protocol being enabled, (the only way you could do it through the GUI is from configuration manager)

    since I couldn't start it, I went into the registry and looked for the Instance that wouldn't start.

    Found the hive that had the VIA Protocol Reg Key and set the value to 0, and tried to restart the service and it worked.

    Just a thought, it could work.

  • I just had to re-boot our SQL 2008 server and got the same error when trying to start SQL:

    SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service terminated with service-specific error 17058 (0x42A2)

    This is a single server - NOT CLUSTERED.

    Would that regedit apply?

    Any help?

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