Unable to start MSSQLSERVER service,helpneeded (very urgent)

  • one of our servers crashed. we had backups of all the databases. so we reinstalled sql 2000 . then i restored master database. Then I tried to start mssqlserver service, but it is not getting started. When i checked logs the errors i found were that it is unable to find model,msdb and other user databases data and log files locations. In the new installation model,msdb data and log files were placed in some other drive. But it is checking the locations that were there before the server crashed.

    What should i do now?

    Thanks in advance

  • When you restore the master database, you're essentially re-setting the server's brain to the state it was in at the time of the backup. So your server is, of course, looking for MSDB, which has control information it needs to start up, and MODEL, which it needs as a template to create tempdb, in the places they were located when the backup was taken.

    If you can copy the model and msdb data and log files, at least temporarily, back into the old locations, you might be able to start the server.

    Or you can re-install and let the server come up with the control databases intact and begin rebuilding the server from scratch (attach user databases, re-add logins, recreate linked servers, etc.)

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • You can change the path for master in the startup for the service. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\ MSSQLServer\Parameters

    Then you could start up, and then detach the others and attach them at the new location or enable edits to system tables (sp_configure 'allow updates', 1) and manually edit the paths.

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