Unable to restore network backup for 250GB bak file

  • whenever i am trying to copy or restore a bak file of 250GB from our Network drive i am getting an error message after 50% of copying or restoring, i have enough space on the server, and have all the access, i can copy and restore backups for 10Gb easily but for this one i am having issues,

    can anyone say what can i do inorder to do it, i need to restore the backup file today anyhow,

    what is the fastest way to copy a large file on a network drive.


  • It would help if you posted the error you are getting.

    Have you tried xcopy instead of the GUI?

  • i have inserted an image of the error message,

    Also i dont know how to do a xcopy, can you tell me how to do that.


  • Seems like the image is not that viewable,

    The error no is 1130(Not enough server storage is available to process this command.)(Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    I am getting this error message when restoring the database and also when doing a manual copy, the file is 250Gb and i have 400GB space on the drive.


  • Check this out for xcopy.

    Check this out for possible solutions

    Any one of the first few results may have the result you need. It appears this is a windows problem not a SQL Server one.

  • if your db backup is 250gb, doesn't mean restored it will be 250GB of disk size. Could be trying to allocate more depending on the file sizes before the backup. How big were the files when the backup took place? Was your log file and data files sizes larger than 400GB? You probably need more space to do the restore, or shrink all of your files on the other server and re-do the backup.

  • The server where i take backup has this database residing on 400GB drive, and the mdf file size is 242GB and ldf size is 2GB, the exact backup file size is 221GB

  • Error points to Not enough Disk space. Is there by any chance your page file set up there? Since it is a hidden file, you might not see it and this could be the reason why it is throwing the error. Just a shot in the dark.


  • ALIF (3/4/2009)

    The server where i take backup has this database residing on 400GB drive, and the mdf file size is 242GB and ldf size is 2GB, the exact backup file size is 221GB


    Did you look at the links I posted?

  • how can i see the hidden file you are talking to, This problem is not just restoring, even i cannot copy the bak file on this server from a Network location.


    Yes, i have seen your links but i didnt got what to do, i copied files from a software name large copy files which copied by files into the box, and then i was able to restore the backup.

    but again if this software was not there, i cannot restore it from the network and i cannot do a manual copy/paste from network drive to this box.

  • If you were able to restore after copying the files, then you can forget about the issue I stated. Hidden files can be viewed using the option in Explorer to show hidden files. But that is not the case here. You sure have some network issue.

    My back ups are over 270 Gig and we do Restore over the network every week without any problem. (Touch Wood.. 😀 )


  • Roy:

    If there was a network issue then it should not have copied the files by any means, i mean by any software i use, then how i am able to copy the bak file with the software and its showing me that error when i am doing manual .copy

  • It can still work even if you have network problems. Just like some of the FTP software works, even when the net gets busy or gets disconnected, when it connects back, it will copy (transfer) the rest.

    Same could be worked with Software for copying as well.

    I am not saying that this is the case. But this could be the case.


  • how much time does it take for you to restore the database from the Network location?

    do you use any 3rd party software for backup/restore?

    and how do you take the backups, in one single file or 3-4 bak files?


  • We used to use Litespeed for back up and restore. But when our Main DB (Server) passed away, we could not use the old license. We had to take new license.

    Now the plan is there to Upgrade to 2008. So when that is done I will purchase lite speed again. Currently we are using native back up. Restore takes around 3 Hrs locally and 4 to 4 and a half hours over network.


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