Unable to output @@IDENTITY

  • I have created a stored procedure as follows:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertVersion]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @Version_Name VARCHAR(50),

    @Starting_FC_Month VARCHAR(3),

    @Start_Date_Criteria VARCHAR(10),

    @End_Date_Criteria VARCHAR(10),

    @Created_By VARCHAR(100),

    @Shared INT,

    @Version_ID INT OUTPUT



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    INSERT INTO tblVersions

    (name, date_created, starting_fc_month, start_date_criteria, end_date_criteria, created_by, shared)


    (@Version_Name, GETDATE(), UPPER(@Starting_FC_Month), CAST(@Start_Date_Criteria AS DATETIME),

    CAST(@End_Date_Criteria AS DATETIME), @Created_By, @Shared)

    SET @Version_ID = @@IDENTITY

    RETURN @Version_ID


    When I test the stored procedure using the following it returns NULL instead of the generated id?

    declare @id int

    exec InsertVersion 'EE','JUL','2001-01-01','2001-02-01','dw134121',1,@id

    select @id

  • Try this:

    exec InsertVersion 'EE','JUL','2001-01-01','2001-02-01','dw134121',1, @id OUTPUT

  • As simple as that! Thanks for your help!

  • David-155102 (2/1/2010)

    As simple as that! Thanks for your help!

    All I did was verify the EXECUTE statement syntax in Books Online (Shift {f1} in SSMS).

    Glad I could help.

  • I am assuming that there is an Identity Column in the tblVersion table 🙂

  • Didn't think of this earlier, but you really shouldn't be using @@IDENTITY either. You should be using SCOPE_IDENTITY().

  • Lynn Pettis (2/1/2010)

    Didn't think of this earlier, but you really shouldn't be using @@IDENTITY either. You should be using SCOPE_IDENTITY().

    Agreed to avoiding @@identity- although if you are in 2005 or later, I would use the OUTPUT clause instead. It seems to avoid ALL of the vulnerabilities with the three more "traditional" options. It's a bit more work to get there, but it seems to be bullet-proof.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Matt Miller (#4) (2/1/2010)

    Lynn Pettis (2/1/2010)

    Didn't think of this earlier, but you really shouldn't be using @@IDENTITY either. You should be using SCOPE_IDENTITY().

    Agreed to avoiding @@identity- although if you are in 2005 or later, I would use the OUTPUT clause instead. It seems to avoid ALL of the vulnerabilities with the three more "traditional" options. It's a bit more work to get there, but it seems to be bullet-proof.

    And using temp tables or table variables (depends on your needs) you can actually capture the identity value for multiple rows inserted at once.

  • Hi Matt,

    Can you give me an example please?


  • Assuming the identity column in your table is called version_id, your SP will look like


    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    INSERT INTO tblVersions

    (name, date_created, starting_fc_month, start_date_criteria, end_date_criteria, created_by, shared)

    OUTPUT INSERTED.version_id


    (@Version_Name, GETDATE(), UPPER(@Starting_FC_Month), CAST(@Start_Date_Criteria AS DATETIME),

    CAST(@End_Date_Criteria AS DATETIME), @Created_By, @Shared)


    You can also define a table variable and do something like

    OUTPUT col1, col2, col3 INTO @t

    Check BOL for more information.



  • Thanks Willem, I'll try that.

  • Matt Miller (#4) (2/1/2010)

    Lynn Pettis (2/1/2010)

    Didn't think of this earlier, but you really shouldn't be using @@IDENTITY either. You should be using SCOPE_IDENTITY().

    Agreed to avoiding @@identity- although if you are in 2005 or later, I would use the OUTPUT clause instead. It seems to avoid ALL of the vulnerabilities with the three more "traditional" options. It's a bit more work to get there, but it seems to be bullet-proof.

    Agreed. There was a bug with SCOPE_IDENTITY() and parallel plans. The OUTPUT clause does seem reliable - though more work, for sure.

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