unable to open activity monitor in sql server 2000 sp2.

  • When I try to open activity monitor tool, it doent allow me to do so, I get an error message like

    "not enough permission and timeout ellapsed" anyone knows whats going on.


  • Sorry for asking the obvious, but do you have enough permissions?

  • Yes I do have sysadmin role, well sometime it opens but after a while it doesnt open.

  • If it opens sometimes and not others than I would guess that the second part of the error "timeout elapsed" is the more relevant piece. Are you having performance issues on the server? Network connectivity issues? Check to see if you are getting blocked by another process.

  • Yes I am having performance issue with this server and blocking also. How do I get rid of these problem, well I dont have remote access to the server, i am connecting sql server with a client tool only.

  • Well the standard answer to that question is, "it depends". This is a very broad question. At a minimum, you need to run a combination of sp_who2 and sp_lock to determine who is doing the blocking and on what objects the blocking is occurring. There are some scripts on this site to assist you in determining where the blocks are coming from.

    Once you know where the blocks are coming from, you can more easily address them.

    I would also recommend breaking out the performance monitoring tools and seeing if/where you are having hardware contention/bottlenecks.

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