Unable to enlist in the transaction

  • I am a newbie in DTS of SQL Server. But i need to use DTS for my project but after I design the DTS package in Machine A (Database is stored on this machine too) and execute, it execute successfully.

    But when i execute DTS package in Machine A from Machine B it reported an error as follow:

        "Unable to enlist in the transaction

          Connection 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Copy' for task 'DTSTask_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1' does not

          support joining distributed transactions or failed when attepting to join. Unable to enlist in the transaction .

          New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator."

    What is the problem and how can i resolve it.



       Machine A : windows 2003 server, sql server 2000

       Machine B : windows 2003 server, sql server 2000

    DSTPackage properties:

     has 1 global variable.

     checked: use transaction, commit on successful package completion, use OLE DB service component.

    Execute task workflow properties:  (2 tasks: each task call store procedure)

     checked: Join transaction if present, Rollback transaction on failure


    Thank you in advance for all answer.


    Manop Rattichote

  • On Win2003 the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) is disabled for network transactions.

    You need to follow these instructions http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;873160




  • Thank you very much Andy. When i configure the environment as your comment but I can not solve it anymore. However, It give me more knowledge about DTS about distributed transaction service.

    Manop Rattichote

  • Manop,

    The problem lies here 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Copy' . It is not a recognised provider.

    can you connection source to 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server'


    Usually when you do copy/cut and paste on connection source you get a 'copy' suffixed.


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