Unable to define Log Ship Destination to set up standby DB

  • Greetings, I am attempting to set up a standby database, this is my first attempt at doing this. I am attempting to configure log shipping on the primary server. I believe I have set up the primary and standby correctly to this point. Using the Database maintenance Planner I go through the steps successfully until I get to the "Add Destination Database" dialogue box. The first field is Server Name and the planner will not allow me to enter text in that box. I don't understand why or what is incorrectly configured so that I am not able to do this. ANy suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks

  • For Getting the list of server in destination, It MUST be registered in Enterpise manager.

    Please check and let me know.

  • As I understand registration they are. When I open the SQL Server group I am able to see the remote server and the database on the remote server. This is the case on each server. I am wondering if there is something else I must do as part of the registration.

  • Greetings, I discovered the source of my difficulties. The destination server is running Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition is required. We will be upgrading. Thanks.

  • If you're looking for help with Log Shipping, I wrote some blog articles for at a company that I used to work for.  They're kind-of a step-by-step guide to setting it up.

    If interested, check out http://www.genesissys.com/blogs.aspx 

    On the right side look for "LogShipping - Part x of x".  I believe it was a 7 part series.

    Chris Antoniak


  • Chris, thank you, I am looking at it now. I got further yesterday after upgrading the second server to enterprise edition but then encountered new difficulties. I may be back. BTW, part 7 does not appear to be available on the site. Thank you.

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