Unable to create working publication - Sql Server 2008

  • After creating a merge-publication or snapshot-publication and reviewing the job status the following error is displayed in the job:


    Executed as user: domain\someuser. String or binary data would be truncated. [SQLSTATE 22001] (Error 8152). The step failed.

    Any ideas?

  • I can only assume that you have a design problem with some of your tables.

    * Noel

  • This is kind of vague. I think we will need more information to be of more help to you. Table schema, replication setup, exact error received, etc.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Hello,

    I am having similar problem. it throws following error while doing snapshot.


    Executed as user: <login>. String or binary data would be truncated. [SQLSTATE 22001] (Error 8152). The step failed.

    mine is SQL 2008 standard edition on 64 bit windows 2008 server.

    does anyone know how to resolve it?

    Jatin Soni

  • Could be that the publisher and subscriber table has different table schema. Specifically, subscriber's table probably has a smaller column data type than the publisher's. E.G. : if the Publisher's Table1.Col1 is varchar(12), the Subscriber's Table1.Col1 could be varchar(11) or less. Also, if you are distributing transactions through stored procs, then the variable in one the procs for a specific article may have an incorrect datatype size.

  • Schema is same on both the servers. Actually I had created different windows login (other then admin) and using it in replication. When I have changed it back to Admin user, then replication worked without any issues. so error which MS gave was wrong as it was actually a login issue. not the schema issue.

  • I think what nadabadan posted makes a lot of sense and would probably be the first thing to at least verify before investigating a lot of time in another area.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Hi jatin-243645

    I have your same problem!!

    I'm running my application from different SO (now 64 bit and sqlserver2008) and i have this error while attempt to call a storeprocedure.

    The code it's the same as the machine where it run ok.

    Have you solved this issue??

    thank you


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