Unable to create database diagrams after migration

  • After moving some SQL 2000 databases to a 2008 R2 instance, I am trying to create database diagrams in management studio. It prompts me to install the tools, I click Yes, then am greeted by the following error.

    "Argument data type nvarchar is invalid for argument 2 of like function.

    Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams'.

    Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.sysdiagrams', or the object does not exist.

    Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams', or the object does not exist. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)"

    Now, these databases are still running at lvl 80 so I thought that might be the issue. I copied a database, changed the level to 100, and still the same error.

    Has anyone else run into this problem after migrating databases from 2000->2008r2?

    appreciate the replies

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  • After spending the day trying to figure this out I finally was able to get my diagrams!

    With databases created in SQL 2000 there is a dtproperties table created in the user tables folder. This dtproperties table is used for database diagrams.

    After migrating to SQL Server 2008 it must cause some confusion when trying to install the diagram tools. I did more research on the table and I found that it is useless (for the most part) when the database is on SQL Server 2008. I deleted the dtproperties table from the user databases folder and bingo bango my diagrams work!

    Hope this helps someone in the future.

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  • Thanks for your advice.

    It worked very well for me just by deleting the table "dtproperties". Now the diagrams work like a charm.

    Best regards, Diego

  • The dtproperties table in my database is a system table and I am unable to delete it, truncate the data in it, or alter it to add the uvalue column.

    I am unable to get any diagrams created for this database.

    Any suggestions?

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