Unable to connect to SSRS through Management Studio: "Invalid Class (System.Management)"

  • I have a named SSRS instance and I am trying to connect to it through SSMS.

    I choose Server Type = "Reporting Services", enter the server name, "server1\SSRS" and leave the auth type as Windows auth. and click OK.

    I then get this error:

    Cannot connect to server1\SSRS

    Additional Information:

    Invalid Class (System.Management)

    In SQL Config Manager I see the service listed as:

    SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

    Anyone have an idea what's wrong?

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  • Have you checked the Reporting Services log files for errors?

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles

  • Thank you, I should've thought of that - I'll check.

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