Unable to connect to default database

  • Hi

    Am working in SQLSERVER2000.When am tried to connect the server through Enterprise Manager it prompts an error the "Unable to open the user default database.Login failed for user.See the server registration properties"


    I checked the SQLServices it was running fine.what might be the problem?

  • Sounds like the login has a default database which no longer exists, is not accessible, or that user does not have permissions to. If you have a different account you can come in with, change that login's default database to something else, usually master.

  • Looks like the login credintials used to register the server in your enterprise manager are no longer valid or do not exist.

    Try connecting directly via Query Analyzer.


    Check the login in the Server Registeration properties.

  • Thanks for your immediate replies.

    I tried with 3 logins but it still fails.I cant open query analyzer but it too doesn't work.:(

    I restarted the service again no use of that.

  • Oh wait, no login at all works? Than what Nikhil said is correct ... the account which is running your SQL Service is the problem.

  • restarting the SS service will be of no use as the default DB for the logins that you are trying is not there. Do the following (this is as per 2005 there will be slight changes in 2000)

    On the "Connect to DB Engine screen" press "Option" button

    change the DB to master as (this is a sure shot that the master DB needs to be present) and click on OK button. Hope this helps.

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