Unable to connect from Windows 2008 or Windows 7 machine

  • I am in the process of making our new SQL Server 2008 machine ready for production use. During DB connection testing failed for programs trying to connect to SQL Server 2008 from a Windows 2008 machine or Windows 7 machine. There were no issues connecting to a 2005 instance from these machines. No problems connection to 2008 or 2005 instance from Windows 2003 or Windows XP. I haven't tested with a Windows Vista machine.

  • Hi

    Firewalls on Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 block those requests by default. Did you customize firewall settings? See this link:

    Configuring the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access



  • Just to be clear, the client Windows 2008 and Windows 7 machines' firewalls have to be configured to allow requests sent out from those machines? The 1433 port on the SQL Server 2008 machine is unblocked.

  • Probably I misunderstood this part, sorry. If you are able to connect the SQL Server from another host, the firewall should be okay.

    How did you try to connect to the server? Did you validate the connection with a common tool like SSMS or a "Data Link" file?

  • I'm using a small test program I created using C#. It basically tries to open and close a SQL Connection using windows authentication and sql server authentication.

    It's weird that a connection can be made from a 2003 or XP machine to a SQL Server 2008 instance (which is on a 2003 server) but a connection cannot be made with a 2008or windows 7 machine. This is distressing because our sharepoint sites are being migrated from using our 2005 SQL to the 2008 SQL.

  • What happens when you try connecting using one of the management tools like SSMS or sqlcmd?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • There are no such tools installed on these machines.

  • It's weird that a connection can be made from a 2003 or XP machine to a SQL Server 2008 instance (which is on a 2003 server) but a connection cannot be made with a 2008or windows 7 machine. This is distressing because our sharepoint sites are being migrated from using our 2005 SQL to the 2008 SQL.

    The question is do you know the level of permissions needed to run Sharepoint?

    What happens when you try connecting using one of the management tools like SSMS or sqlcmd?

    There are no such tools installed on these machines.

    Then you need to develop your own SharePoint which does not require careful permissions implementation.

    The best security is careful planning and applying relevant needed permissions not removing management tools because you think management tools creates security risk.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • The best security is careful planning and applying relevant needed permissions not removing management tools because you think management tools creates security risk.

    Management tools were not installed on the is server because this machine is to host Sharepoint sites not a SQL Server Database. All I'm doing is a basic SQLConnection.Open() and SQLConnection.Close(). I haven't got to the point the permission decision making.

    I am trying to do is 1) open a connection to a MS SQL Server 2008 machine using trusted windows authentication and 2) open a connection using SQL Server Authentication. I'm logged into the client machine with my login credentials, which do work when I am able to SQLConnection.Open from a Windows 2003 machine and Windows XP machine.

    I have just been informed by my team member that the connection testing failed for Vista. Port 1433 on the MS SQL Server machine is open.

    Does the client machines need the latest version of the sql client native driver? The line of code I'm testing with is using the System.Data.Sqlclient namespace?

  • I am trying to do is 1) open a connection to a MS SQL Server 2008 machine using trusted windows authentication and 2) open a connection using SQL Server Authentication. I'm logged into the client machine with my login credentials, which do work when I am able to SQLConnection.Open from a Windows 2003 machine and Windows XP machine.

    I have just been informed by my team member that the connection testing failed for Vista. Port 1433 on the MS SQL Server machine is open.

    Does the client machines need the latest version of the sql client native driver? The line of code I'm testing with is using the System.Data.Sqlclient namespace?

    It is good to know Microsoft is doing what is needed to separate RDBMS DCL(data control langauge) and Windows ACL(access control list) the two are not related Microsoft tried to make both used as needed but that is changed you need to create server level permissions and database permissions for your user before running any code. Now your connection is Windows passing permissions to SQL Server when you have not defined any permissions in SQL Server.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Now your connection is Windows passing permissions to SQL Server when you have not defined any permissions in SQL Server.

    I am sorry for not stating this before: the two test logins I am using both have permission to access the SQL Server instance and permission to access the test database.

    Again I can connect with both logins to the test database both from a windows 2003 server machine and Windows XP machine.

  • I also want to state again, I have no problems connecting to a 2005 SQL Server from a windows 2008 machine.

  • Management tools were not installed on the is server because this machine is to host Sharepoint sites not a SQL Server Database. All I'm doing is a basic SQLConnection.Open() and SQLConnection.Close(). I haven't got to the point the permission decision making.

    Connection to SharePoint is resolved through IIS have you installed IIS? IIS 7 Vista and Windows 2008 and IIS7.5 Windows 7 comes with most features disabled you have to go to control panel programs Turn or Off Windows features and enable what is needed to resolve the permissions.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Although I'm testing on a machine that will be hosting sharepoint I just want to make sure that other 2008 machines that would not be hosting sharepoint sites but other client applicatons will be able to connect to the MS SQL Server 2008. Applications like Antivirus, windows update management, project appications, etc.

  • akilah.mcintyre (11/2/2009)

    Although I'm testing on a machine that will be hosting sharepoint I just want to make sure that other 2008 machines that would not be hosting sharepoint sites but other client applicatons will be able to connect to the MS SQL Server 2008. Applications like Antivirus, windows update management, project appications, etc.

    The connection context to SQL Server depends what you are connecting from because if SQL Server is in a different server and SharePoint is in a different server you have default double hop condition how you resolve the issue depends on your employer and what you are allowed to do on the network. That said I think older Project Server is a Window form application with web interface so you need to check Project docs, SharePoint uses Asp.net which means IIS must be enabled and you need to spend time with IIS7 before running your code.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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