Unable to change maxfilesize

  • Hi

    I am unable to change the maxfilesize of logfile to unlimited.I am able to change the initial size,filegrowth.I issued the command

    Alter database xxx modify file(name='xxx_log',size=10mb,filegrowth=200mb,maxsie=unlimited).

    filesize and filegrowth has been changed,but maxsize is not changing to unlimited.KIndly help

  • You have a typo (maxsie instead of maxsize) but I suspect that you had this only when you wrote the alter table in your message and not in the code that you ran. In any case according to books on line when we modify a file, we can modify only one property each time that we run alter database statement. Try to modify only the file’s maximum size in one statement and let us know if it worked for you.


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  • Hi

    I put correct statement only. I tried one statement at a time also. I am getting the output( command completed successfully) .But when i put sp_helpdb xxx then maxsize is not updating. it is still showing the old one. I triend through ssms also .The result is same.Pls help


  • I’ve just checked it on my machine. It seems that if I modify the log file to have unrestricted growth, sp_helpdb does specify a limit, but it is a limit that I’ll never reach. If I do limit the log size, it will show the correct limit. If I specify unlimited again, it will change the limit again to a size that there is no way that I’ll reach. Don’t know why it doesn’t specify unrestricted just like it does with the data file, but since I view that limit as a theoretic one, I take it as if the restriction is unlimited.


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  • I have just verified, it looks like we can set the maxzise='unlimited' can only be set to data file not to log file.

  • Thanks alot

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