Unable to assign variable a value..?

  • I am having problems setting a variable.

    In the code below, I am opening a cursor, changing some values for the current row, updating that row and then moving to the next row.

    Becuase I am using dynamically assigned table names I am using the sp_executesql command to run a @SqlString variable.  However I am unable to assign this variable a value.  I use the debugger to step through and the variable just gets set to NULL.

    Any ideas please. 

    Actual code below...


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].sp_DefRev

    @PubCode nvarchar(10),

    @PubYear int,

    @PubMonth int,

    @Type int,

    @WorkstationId nvarchar(10)


    DECLARE @NewDeferredRevenue nvarchar(50),

      @NewDeferredRevenueSummary nvarchar(50),

      @New_v_Temp nvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @SqlString nvarchar(4000),

      @Params nvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @LastDay smalldatetime,

      @FirstDay smalldatetime,

      @LastIssue float,

      @IssuesInMonth float,

      @Num int,

      @RecptDate nvarchar(20),

      @Amount nvarchar(20),

      @PubTitle nvarchar(30),

      @NumRecs nvarchar(20),

      @FirstInMonth float

    DECLARE @Date smalldatetime,

      @StartIssue float,

      @EndIssue float,

      @InvCurrency nvarchar(20),

      @Goods float,

      @VAT float,

      @TotalReceived float,

      @RecvdThisMonth float,

      @VATThisMonth float,

      @IncomeThisMonth float,

      @IncomeCfwd float,

      @Royalty float,

      @RoyaltyOnRecvd float,

      @RoyaltyCfwd float,

      @RoyaltyThisMonth float,

      @Issues int,

      @SubRef nvarchar(10),

      @Company nvarchar(50),

      @RateCode nvarchar(10)

    DECLARE @LastIssueText nvarchar(50)

    SET @NewDeferredRevenue = 'DeferredRevenue_' + @WorkstationId

    SET @NewDeferredRevenueSummary = 'DeferredRevenueSummary_' + @WorkstationId

    SET @New_v_Temp = 'v_Temp_' + @WorkstationId


     IF OBJECT_ID(@New_v_Temp) IS NOT NULL

      EXEC ('DROP VIEW ' + @New_v_Temp)



     SET @FirstDay = convert(nvarchar(2), @PubMonth) + '/' + convert(nvarchar(3), '01/') + convert(nvarchar(4), @PubYear)

     SET @LastDay = dateadd(month, 1, @FirstDay)

     SET @LastDay = dateadd(day, -1, @LastDay)

     --SET @LastDay = convert(nvarchar(10), dateadd(day, -1, @LastDay), 103)



     SET @SqlString = N'SELECT @OUT = MAX(IssueNo) FROM [Publication Dates] WHERE (PubCode = ' + char(39) + @PubCode + char(39) + ') AND (Convert(char(8), [Date], 112) <= ' + Convert(char(8), @LastDay, 112) + ')'

     SET @params = N'@OUT int OUTPUT'

     EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString, @params, @OUT= @LastIssue OUTPUT

     IF @LastIssue IS NULL

      SET @LastIssue = 0

    --print @LastIssue



     SET @SqlString =  'CREATE VIEW ' + @New_v_Temp +

        ' AS

        SELECT DISTINCT IssueNo FROM [Publication Dates] WHERE (PubCode = ' + char(39) + @PubCode + char(39) + ') AND (Convert(char(8), [Date], 112) >= ' + Convert(char(8), @FirstDay, 112) + ') AND (Convert(char(8), [Date], 112) <= ' + Convert(char(8), @LastDay, 112) + ')'

     --PRINT @SqlString

     EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString



     SET @SqlString = N'SELECT @OUT = COUNT(IssueNo) FROM ' + @New_v_Temp

     SET @params = N'@OUT int OUTPUT'

     --PRINT @SqlString

     EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString, @params, @OUT= @IssuesInMonth OUTPUT

     IF @IssuesInMonth IS NULL

      SET @IssuesInMonth = 0

    --print @IssuesInMonth



     IF OBJECT_ID(@New_v_Temp) IS NOT NULL

      EXEC ('DROP VIEW ' + @New_v_Temp)



     SET @FirstInMonth = @LastIssue - @IssuesInMonth + 1

     --print @FirstInMonth



     SET @SqlString = N'INSERT INTO ' + @NewDeferredRevenue +

                          ' (SubRef, Company, Date, [Total£Received], Goods, VAT, InvCurrency, StartIssue, EndIssue, RateCode, Royalty, PubCode)


                          Transactions.SubRef, Companies.Company, Transactions.[Date], Transactions.[Total£Received], Transactions.Goods, Transactions.VAT,

                          Transactions.InvCurrency, Transactions.StartIssue, Transactions.EndIssue, Transactions.RateCode, Transactions.Royalty,


     FROM         Transactions INNER JOIN

                          Subscriptions ON Transactions.SubRef = Subscriptions.SubRef INNER JOIN

                          People INNER JOIN

                          Companies ON People.CoRef = Companies.CoRef ON Subscriptions.InvPersRef = People.PersRef

     WHERE     (Convert(char(8), Transactions.[Date], 112) >= ' + Convert(char(8), @FirstDay, 112) + ') AND (Convert(char(8), Transactions.[Date], 112) <= ' + Convert(char(8), @LastDay, 112) + ') AND (Transactions.[Total£Received] <> 0) AND (Transactions.PubCode = ' + char(39) + @PubCode + char(39) + ') AND (Transactions.TranType = ' + char(39) + 'PAYMENT' + char(39) + ' OR

                          Transactions.TranType = ' + char(39) + 'REFUND' + char(39) + ') OR

                          (Convert(char(8), Transactions.[Date], 112) < ' + Convert(char(8), @FirstDay, 112) + ') AND (Transactions.[Total£Received] <> 0) AND

                          (Transactions.PubCode = ' + char(39) + @PubCode + char(39) + ') AND (Transactions.TranType = ' + char(39) + 'PAYMENT' + char(39) + ' OR

                          Transactions.TranType = ' + char(39) + 'REFUND' + char(39) + ') AND (Convert(char(8), Transactions.EndIssue) >= ' + Convert(nvarchar(8), @FirstInMonth) + ')

     ORDER BY Transactions.[Date], Transactions.SubRef'

     print @sqlstring

     EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString



     IF @Type = -1

      EXEC ('UPDATE ' + @NewDeferredRevenue +

      ' SET              [Recvd This Month] = 0, [VAT This Month] = 0, [Income This Month] = 0, [Income cfwd] = 0, [Royalty on Recvd] = 0, [Royalty This Month] = 0,

                           [Royalty cfwd] = 0')


    --Loop start


     SET @Num = 0

     SET @SqlString = N'DECLARE curDefRev CURSOR FOR SELECT SubRef, Company, [Date], [Total£Received], Goods, VAT, InvCurrency, StartIssue, EndIssue, RateCode, Royalty, PubCode, [Recvd This Month], [VAT this Month], [Income This Month], [Income Cfwd], [Royalty On Recvd], [Royalty This Month], [Royalty Cfwd] FROM ' + @NewDeferredRevenue

     EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString

     OPEN curDefRev

     FETCH NEXT FROM curDefRev INTO @SubRef, @Company, @Date, @TotalReceived, @GOODS, @vat, @InvCurrency, @StartIssue, @EndIssue, @RateCode, @Royalty, @PubCode, @RecvdThisMonth, @VATThisMonth, @IncomeThisMonth, @IncomeCfwd, @RoyaltyOnRecvd, @RoyaltyThisMonth, @RoyaltyCfwd




        SET @Num = @Num + 1

    select @Num

        SET @Issues = @EndIssue - @StartIssue + 1

        SET @RecptDate = @Date



        IF @InvCurrency <> '£'

         SET @vat = @vat / @GOODS * @TotalReceived



        SET @Amount = @TotalReceived - @vat



        IF @RecptDate >= @FirstDay AND @RecptDate <= @LastDay


          SET @RecvdThisMonth = @Amount

          SET @VATThisMonth = @vat

          IF @StartIssue <= @LastIssue


            IF @EndIssue > @LastIssue


              SET @IncomeThisMonth = (@LastIssue - @StartIssue + 1) / @Issues * @Amount

              SET @IncomeCfwd = (@EndIssue - @LastIssue) / @Issues * @Amount




              SET @IncomeThisMonth = @Amount





            SET @IncomeCfwd = @Amount





          IF @StartIssue <= @LastIssue AND @EndIssue >= @LastIssue - @IssuesInMonth + 1


            IF @LastIssue - @StartIssue + 1 < @IssuesInMonth


              SET @IncomeThisMonth = (@LastIssue - @StartIssue + 1) / @Issues * @Amount


               IF @EndIssue > @LastIssue


                SET @IncomeCfwd = (@EndIssue - @LastIssue) / @Issues * @Amount




            IF @EndIssue - (@LastIssue - @IssuesInMonth + 1) + 1 < @IssuesInMonth


              SET @IncomeThisMonth = (@EndIssue - (@LastIssue - @IssuesInMonth + 1) + 1) / @Issues * @Amount


            IF @LastIssue - @StartIssue + 1 >= @IssuesInMonth AND @EndIssue - (@LastIssue - @IssuesInMonth + 1) + 1 >= @IssuesInMonth


              SET @IncomeThisMonth = @IssuesInMonth / @Issues * @Amount

              IF @EndIssue > @LastIssue


                SET @IncomeCfwd = (@EndIssue - @LastIssue) / @Issues * @Amount




          IF @StartIssue > @LastIssue

           SET @IncomeCfwd = @Amount





        IF @IncomeThisMonth IS NOT NULL AND @Royalty <> 0

         SET @RoyaltyThisMonth = @IncomeThisMonth * @Royalty / 100



        IF @IncomeCfwd IS NOT NULL AND @Royalty <> 0

         SET @RoyaltyCfwd = @IncomeCfwd * @Royalty / 100



        IF @RecvdThisMonth IS NOT NULL AND @Royalty <> 0

         SET @RoyaltyOnRecvd = @RecvdThisMonth * @Royalty / 100



        SET @SqlString = N'UPDATE ' + @NewDeferredRevenue + ' SET SubRef = ' + char(39) + @SubRef + char(39)  + ', Company = ' + char(39) + REPLACE(@Company, char(39), char(39) + char(39)) + char(39) + ', [Date] = ' + convert(char(10), @Date, 103) + ', [Total£Received] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @TotalReceived) + ', Goods = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @GOODS) + ', VAT = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @vat) + ', InvCurrency = ' + char(39) + @InvCurrency + char(39) + ', StartIssue = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @StartIssue) + ', EndIssue = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @EndIssue) + ', RateCode = ' + char(39) + @RateCode + char(39) + ', Royalty = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @Royalty) + ', PubCode = ' + char(39) + @PubCode + char(39) + ', [Recvd This Month] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @RecvdThisMonth) + ', [VAT this Month] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @VATThisMonth) + ', [Income This Month] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @IncomeThisMonth) + ', [Income Cfwd] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @IncomeCfwd) + ', [Royalty On Recvd] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @RoyaltyOnRecvd) + ', [Royalty This Month] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @RoyaltyThisMonth) + ', [Royalty Cfwd] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @RoyaltyCfwd) + ' WHERE CURRENT OF curDefRev'

        PRINT @SqlString

        EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString


    --Leave at the end


        FETCH NEXT FROM curDefRev INTO @SubRef, @Company, @Date, @TotalReceived, @GOODS, @vat, @InvCurrency, @StartIssue, @EndIssue, @RateCode, @Royalty, @PubCode, @RecvdThisMonth, @VATThisMonth, @IncomeThisMonth, @IncomeCfwd, @RoyaltyOnRecvd, @RoyaltyThisMonth, @RoyaltyCfwd



     CLOSE curDefRev

     DEALLOCATE curDefRev 


    --Loop End


     IF @Type = -1



        SET @LastIssueText = dbo.f_IssueText(@PubCode, @LastIssue)

        SELECT @PubTitle = Title FROM Titles WHERE PubCode = @PubCode

        SET @SqlString = N'INSERT INTO ' + @NewDeferredRevenueSummary +

                             ' ([Recvd This Month], [VAT This Month], [Total This Month], [Income This Month], [Income cfwd], [Royalty on Recvd],

                             [Royalty This Month], [Royalty cfwd])

        SELECT SUM([Recvd This Month]) AS [SumOfRecvd This Month],

                             SUM([VAT This Month]) AS [SumOfVAT This Month], SUM([Recvd This Month] + [VAT This Month]) AS [Total This Month], SUM([Income This Month])

                             AS [SumOfIncome This Month], SUM([Income cfwd]) AS [SumOfIncome cfwd], SUM([Royalty on Recvd]) AS [SumOfRoyalty on Recvd],

                             SUM([Royalty This Month]) AS [SumOfRoyalty This Month], SUM([Royalty cfwd]) AS [SumOfRoyalty cfwd]

        FROM ' + @NewDeferredRevenue

        PRINT @SqlString

        EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString


        SET @SqlString = N'UPDATE ' + @NewDeferredRevenueSummary +

                             ' SET PubCode = ' + char(39) + @PubCode + char(39) + ', Title = ' + char(39) + @PubTitle + char(39) + ', LastPublishedIssue = ' + char(39) + @LastIssueText + char(39)

        PRINT @SqlString

        EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString





  • That's cool cheers Ray.  Will look at that.

  • Err, I deleted my post, Because I'm not sure that was the problem,

    But start out by setting @sqlstring = ''

    But in Debugger, check the line that it gets set to null, and check that any fields or parameters your concatenating together are not null. If they are it will set your string to null.


  • Thanks Ray

    Was indeed NULL field values.

  • Cool, So just wrap that field in a coalesce(fieldName,'') and you should be all good.


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