Unable to apply SQL Server 2012 SP2, getting the below error.

  • @echo off

    echo Applying SQL Server 2012 Patch.

    Setup.exe /qs /Action=Patch /InstanceName="INST4" /UpdateSource="C:\SQL Server 2012 Service Packs\SP2\64-SP2-extract\" IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS=true /IndicateProgress >> log-sql2012-sp2.txt

    Overall summary:

    Final result: The patch installer has failed to update the shared features. To determine the reason for failure, review the log files.

    Exit code (Decimal): -2054422506

    Exit facility code: 1420

    Exit error code: 22

    Exit message: The /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms command line parameter is missing or has not been set to true. It is a required parameter for the setup action you are running. By specifying this parameter and accepting the SQL Server license terms you acknowledge that you have read and understand the terms of use.

    Start time: 2015-03-12 10:53:19

    End time: 2015-03-12 10:53:23

    Requested action: Patch


  • The syntax is:

    setup.exe ... /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms

    See here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd638066.aspx

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

  • Still, no luck

    Setup.exe /qs /Action=Patch /InstanceName="INST4" /UpdateSource="C:\SQL Server 2012 Service Packs\SP2\64-SP2-extract\" /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /UpdateEnabled= true /IndicateProgress >> log-sql2012-sp2.txt


    Overall summary:

    Final result: The patch installer has failed to update the shared features. To determine the reason for failure, review the log files.

    Exit code (Decimal): -2054422506

    Exit facility code: 1420

    Exit error code: 22

    Exit message: The /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms command line parameter is missing or has not been set to true. It is a required parameter for the setup action you are running. By specifying this parameter and accepting the SQL Server license terms you acknowledge that you have read and understand the terms of use.

    Start time: 2015-03-12 12:37:37

    End time: 2015-03-12 12:37:42

    Requested action: Patch



    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

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