
  • I recommend taking up mountaineering, as I recently have. If the contact information you leave consists of a GPS waypoint and getting in touch involves a 12 hour hike uphill, it virtually eliminates the possibility of being disturbed.

    And you can't beat the view.

  • Vacation is not vacation if one has to be wired-up. I keep in contact with the web on a personal level but forget work for as long as I can.

    I have not tried to stay off the radar but have tried to off load what I can and to build redundancy into the staff to cover when I am out. I operate under the belief that when I am gone I am gone, and the phone does not ring.


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • Good to hear some of you getting away. And nice one, blandry. We went on a couple vacations and the kids struggled without the xbox/ipod for a day, then they got better.

  • I'm terrible for checking work email via our webmail facility when I'm supposed to be relaxing on holiday, however I do refuse point blank to be called while I'm away - to the point where I assure them that any work calls received are likely to be met with a string of expletives followed by me hanging up (not least because when my mobile is 'roaming' I get charged for receiving calls). It's worked so far 🙂

    That said, years ago when I was laid up recovering from spinal surgery after a particularly unfortunate weightlifting injury, I ended up getting work to loan me a laptop and writing a performance tuning training course I'd been meaning to get around to doing instead of relaxing as per doctor's instructions. Maybe I'm more work obsessed than I like to think...

  • Steve Jones - Editor (8/29/2008)

    Good to hear some of you getting away. And nice one, blandry. We went on a couple vacations and the kids struggled without the xbox/ipod for a day, then they got better.

    ...yeah Steve, seems every year we go, the kids need a day or two to go through techno-withdrawal, and yet...

    A few years ago I took them on a half-day-long hike to the top of a small mountain that overlooks a large Lake. I stood there enraptured by the view and said; "What a view, huh guys?"

    My son says; "Yeah Dad, reminds me a bit of something from Far Cry!" What is Far Cry I asked... A video game!

    That was time for one of those special moments between a Father and a Son, where you gently explain that God created the world, and then Man created video games...

    ...not vice versa!!! :pinch:

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...
  • blandry, sorry to break it to you, but we are all just part of one big video game being played by God himself...it's called SimGod...Maxis Software is suing for the rights. 😛

  • When I get a chance to go on vacation and it doesn't involve entertaining the kid, fixing stuff around the house and/or (urgh!) getting a new pet, we head out to the next state where there's this nice little area with no phone coverage. Places are cheap and plenty of campgrounds, too.

    Otherwise, if someone calls - I just hold the phone out and the noise from kid/pet/home improvement project, with a few "What? What? I can't quite hear you. Let me call you back."s usually get them to realize that yes, I'm not available.

    I also don't check my email.:D

  • If a company can't survive without anyone for a week or two, it's very bad practice. If you had a family emergency or were very sick (or worse), what would the company do? And if you're going to say you work sick, then you've never been REALLY sick. Try chemo and radiation for a few months at the same time and let me know how well you function.

  • As for me, I pack up the wife and kid and we go and visit her family in Russia. One the way there we pick up her brother in Kostroma and we head out to grandma's house in the middle of the boonies (population 4 people, yes I am serious)....not much for amenities but lots of wild animals for hunting, awesome fishing, tons of mushrooms (yeah I let them tell me what's good and not), picking berries, digging potatoes.

    Takes a couple days to decompress and unwind but it worth every minute and by end of three weeks, I really dread coming back...because I know they saved up almost everything for me.


  • Kbear (8/29/2008)

    If a company can't survive without anyone for a week or two, it's very bad practice. If you had a family emergency or were very sick (or worse), what would the company do? And if you're going to say you work sick, then you've never been REALLY sick. Try chemo and radiation for a few months at the same time and let me know how well you function.

    I tried a 5-day coma once. Didn't get a lot of work done that week...

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Probably unlike most here, I don't mess with computers outside of work other than email, blogging, or writing something in Word. Sounds odd I know but.... AND, the children don't watch TV, play video games, etc so, when we go on vacation it is nothing really new. I always make myself available but I also like the environment that I work in to be stable so, barring something really serious, I typically have no need of being called.

    That being said, we do have a place in VT (my Dad's) that we can go and there is no reception of any kind. You have to drive 30 minutes to get any. After the first day of things being that way you realize that there is far more to live than what is going on at work, etc.

    Cut the cord!!!!



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • DavidB (8/29/2008)

    You have to drive 30 minutes to get any.

    Really? Sounds like Vegas! (I actually haven't been, but it's fun taking quotes out-of-context.) 😛

  • I used to rock climb outside of Vegas but that was before the day of cell phones (not that much before, I am not that old) and even when you were out in the boonies a little bit there, you were still only about 25 minutes away from some great buffets. So, my guess, you still have reception there (unless they are killing them in the Casino's). 😎



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Not the type of "reception" I was referring to.


    Some of us vacation at home, so you can turn off the cell and not check the email, but that's the TiVo you're about to unsuccessfully cut with a pair of scissors, not your PC.

    How else are you going to ENJOY that vacation if you can't catch up on all of the shows you painstakingly recorded while working so hard!!!

    If you really want to do that, and hate unscrewing things, use wire cutters. You'll thank me later when you need those scissors.

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