UK Members: Seminar: Fabian Pascal

  • Fabian Pascal may be in the UK this year and is looking at the possibility of organising a seminar in this area.

    The following are possible subjects:

    (More background subject matter on the site if you navigate using the top)

    He has said there is the option of some customisation, depending on the local audience's preferences (so suggestions along those lines would be useful).

    If anyone is genuinely interested, whether you're familiar with his work or not, please say so on this thread, and we'll see what happens from here.  He's also asked for any other ideas that may make this possible.

    Please do not turn this thread into a discussion about Fabian Pascal and his work; that is a huge subject that would be best started as a separate thread.  Cheers.

  • I for one would be very interested in attending a session by Fabian. It's always good to test out some challenging ideas with others in the same field, controversial or not. In terms of which session, my preference would be on the side of practicality and relevance to everyday working practices.

    I guess this would mean CONCEPTUAL MODELING AND DATABASE DESIGN or THE COSTLY ILLUSION. Although to be honest, they all look interesting.

    How many attendees would be needed to make this happen?


    Mark Hickin

    Sequel Consulting Ltd.



  • Thanks for the reply, Mark.  I'd agree on your choice of subjects.  I'm also very interested in his proposals for missing values (and have read his paper "The Final NULL In The Coffin"); but this is more theoretical so won't be in everyones interest.

    I've dropped him a reply to ask how many attendees he needs, and will post again when he gets back to me.

  • OK, I've heard back.

    I mentioned the two subjects you'd suggested, Mark, and he said on this:

    "Good choice. These are new and revised works with some new positions. This will take 2 days."

    On the attendees question he said see what the minimum is we can get (and the max) and judge from there what is feasible based on what can be charged.

    I'd really like to get this off the ground if we can, so if anyone else is interested please do say so.

  • (Bump)

    Is there anyone else in the UK that is interested in this? Thanks.

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