UDF does not work in SELECT statement

  • Here's the question in a nutshell:

    I have a User Defined Function, that takes a TEXT data type and parses through it to find a certain string and returns a VARCHAR(12) portion of the string.  It works fine when I call it and explicitly pass it the text string (from Query Analyzer), but when I use it in a select statement it does not work.

    It contains a WHILE loop, so I'm thinking that might be the problem.  I have debugged this thing every which way I can think of and can't get it.


    1.  This works:  SELECT JobNumber, MFJBS.dbo.GetQuoteNumberFromUserText('\par C06D3102-06D3102 \par QUOTATION NO.:  53040-1Q-4 \par REF: 880780 \par PAINT') FROM JobMaster WHERE JobNumber = '06D3104'

    It returns: 06D3104 | 53040-1Q-4

    2.  This doesn't work:  SELECT JobNumber, MFJBS.dbo.GetQuoteNumberFromUserText(UserText) FROM JobMaster WHERE JobNumber = '06D3104'

    It returns: 06D3104 | 53040-1Q-4 \

    It doesn't strip off the last two characters ' \'.

    I can post the SQL for the UDF if you need me to.  Just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything glaringly wrong with the way I'm calling it.  I have full permissions and am using SQL Server 2000.



    PS.  I have even tried changing the input var type to varchar(255) but the same results.

  • If the udf returns rows, then you cannot use it like this in 2000.  In 2005 you could use the cross apply operator but there's no workaround in 2000 other than rethinking the process.  And I can't do that for you unless I have more info on what you are trying to do!

  • It's a scalar function.  Here is the sql:

    CREATE FUNCTION GetQuoteNumberFromUserText

     (@UserText TEXT)




     DECLARE @TempUserText VARCHAR(255)

     DECLARE @Result VARCHAR(12)

     DECLARE @Var CHAR(1)


     IF @UserText IS NULL

       SET @Result = ''



      SET @Var = ''

      --Check to see if the word QUOTATION is found:

      SET @Counter = CHARINDEX('QUOTATION', @UserText) + 16

      IF @Counter > 0

       --If it is found, then start processing:


       --Note that the longest string we expect is 12 chars (this could be changed):

       SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@UserText, @Counter, 12)

       --If the first 5 chars are not numeric, return an empty string:

       IF ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(@Result, 1, 5)) = 0

        SET @Result = ''



        --Set the @Counter variable:

        SET @Counter = 6

        --Get the 6th character:

         SET @Var = SUBSTRING(@Result, @Counter, 1)

        --Continue adding characters until you hit a space:

         WHILE @Var <> ' '


          SET @Counter = @Counter + 1

          SET @Var = SUBSTRING(@Result, @Counter, 1)


        SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, 1, @Counter - 1)




       SET @Result = ''


      RETURN @Result



  • What error are you getting?

  • I'm not getting an error, just not the expected results.  When I run the function sending it a text string it works.  When I run it and pass it the column value (equivalent to the text string I just used) it doesn't work.  See the above examples in the previous post.


  • Run this:

    SELECT JobNumber, UserText, MFJBS.dbo.GetQuoteNumberFromUserText(UserText) FROM JobMaster WHERE JobNumber = '06D3104'

    and see what exactly you function does not handle.

    Your UserText must not be the same as the test string you paste in QA.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • That's what I'm thinking.  When I copy and paste it, it must change a CR or LF to a space.


  • Set in QA "Results to Text" and copy-paste from there.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sure enough - they show up as new lines!


  • And your function is quite bad.

    I definitely would not use it.

    For  example:

      SET @Counter = CHARINDEX('QUOTATION', @UserText) + 16

      IF @Counter > 0


    Can you provide an example when @Counter gonna be  <= 0?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Yes, if the word 'QUOTATION' is not found, this is common.

  • And?

    If the word 'QUOTATION' is not found, then @Counter = ?

    Check your calculations.

    Another issue - CHARINDEX does not work with TEXT. It implicitly converts it into VARCHAR(8000).


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I don't understand your response.  If the word 'QUOTATION' is not found then @Counter = 0.

    The answer to my original problem, as it turns out, was because I was not testing for the right characters.  I was testing for a space, but the string contained Carriage Returns.  This is what caused the discrepancy when executing the function with a text string I pasted in and the actual column data.  When I pasted the column data in, it converted the CR's to spaces.  Anyways, here is the new code, which works.

    Thanks for your help!  Jim

    ALTER  FUNCTION GetQuoteNumberFromUserText

     (@UserText TEXT)




     DECLARE @Result VARCHAR(12)


     DECLARE @TestChar CHAR(1)

     DECLARE @Found BIT

     SET @Result = ''

     SET @Found = 0

     IF @UserText IS NOT NULL


      --Check to see if the word QUOTATION is found:

      SET @Counter = CHARINDEX('QUOTATION', @UserText) + 16

      IF @Counter > 0

       --If it is found, then start processing:


       --Note that the longest string we are getting is 12 chars (this could be changed):

       SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@UserText, @Counter, 12)

       --If the first 5 chars are numeric, then it is a valid quote number

       --and we can get the whole number:

       IF ISNUMERIC(LEFT(@Result, 5)) = 1


        SET @Counter = 6

        SET @TestChar = SUBSTRING(@Result, @Counter, 1)

        WHILE @Found = 0


         --If the character is a tab, CR, LF, or space, then we have gotten

         --to the end of the quote number and can break out of the loop

         IF ASCII(@TestChar) IN (10, 13, 9, 32)

          SET @Found = 1

         SET @Counter = @Counter + 1

         SET @TestChar = SUBSTRING(@Result, @Counter, 1)


          SET @Result = LEFT(@Result, @Counter - 1)



        SET @Result = ''



     RETURN @Result


  • Have you looked at your code???

    SET @Counter = CHARINDEX('QUOTATION', @UserText) + 16

    If there is no word 'QUOTATION' then CHARINDEX = 0, @Counter = 0 + 16 = 16

    What dom't you understand here?

    Another issue into your collection:

    ISNUMERIC('123D4') = 1, ISNUMERIC('12E34') = 1

    Is it what are looking for?


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • To reply to the isnumeric problem :


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE XType = 'FN' AND Name = 'fnIsAllNumbers')

     DROP FUNCTION dbo.fnIsAllNumbers


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnIsAllNumbers (@Str AS varchar(8000))







    SELECT dbo.fnIsAllNumbers('12.94')


    SELECT dbo.fnIsAllNumbers('12E94')


    SELECT dbo.fnIsAllNumbers('0x234')


    SELECT dbo.fnIsAllNumbers('0123456789')


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