UCP SQL 2008R2 Data Collection issue

  • I have recently upgraded around 5 of our production/qa boxes to R2 and on my local machine I have the R2 client tools installed.

    I created a UCP repository and added 4 of the SQL R2 boxes without any issues, and data is being captured. The 5th one I added

    appears fine in the list of registered instances, but it doesnt' collect any of the metadata about the box/disk anything.

    The button that is on the right hand side is GRAY where as the rest of the boxes are GREEN. The 3rd server down is NULL from the query I came up with. Any ideas??

    I ran the following query on the UCP box and Noticed the following.

    SELECT *

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysutility_ucp_managed_instances AS mi

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysutility_ucp_mi_health AS mih

    ON mi.instance_name = mih.mi_name

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysutility_ucp_instances AS inst

    ON mi.instance_name = inst.Name

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysutility_ucp_computers AS comp

    ON mi.virtual_server_name = comp.virtual_server_name;





  • First thing I would check is the status of the SQL Server Browser. If it is already running, then take a look at this article for some things to check:


  • Thanks for the options, I did check the browser service and it's running on both the UCP and hte managed instance. I think there may be an issue with the WMI access on that box, although I am able to run the powershell commands locally from the instance in question and the appropriate results come back.

    I am going to try and rebuilding the WMI db and check some other permission based issues. See if that's an option.

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