Two Things

  • Well we have several interrelated development projects and are tackling one of them with the embedded resource.  This particular project requires client based dynamic customization of sql, currently this is handled with embedded sql inside the c# class, which is in my opinion the worst way to go.  Using template sql files seems to make maintenance less painful.

    I have mixed feelings about stored procedures handling business logic, I was once a dba in a locked downed environment and we required the use of stored procedures for data access.  Now I am working as a developer on an app with in my opinion too many procs to manage effectively, as well as I believe in many cases we ask sql to do things that it is not the most effective at handling.

    After a short venture into the java world I have been tempted by O/R Mappers and the productivity boost they can give as well as aiding in building a defined domain model.  I could go on and on...

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