Two Data source for one Task

  • hello everyone.

    I am trying to solve a problem and i got a question in my mind that is

    Is it possible for Execute Sql Task or a variable to have a query that would retrieve the values from two tables from two different data sources (oracle & sql Server) and then return a value based on that conditioin. if so

    please tell me how and if not then tell me y not.?


  • The Execute SQL task is not going to allow for multiple connections as you can only pick one connection, which would be either the SQL or ORACLE connection from your example.

    What you would want to do though is build a Data Flow task and have two data sources in the Flow and then perform a Merge Join in the Data Flow to join the data together. You would have to create two separate connections though in the package to join to your different data sources

    That is how I would handle the joining of data across multiple data sources.

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