• Hello comunity

    I have the following script :

    select CREND = PL.CREND, NOME = PO.NOME, NCONT = PO.NCONT, EVIRS = sum(PL.EVIRS), EREC = sum(PL.EREC), U_TXIRS = isnull((select

    isnull(fo.txirs,0) from fo (nolock) where fo.fostamp = PL.fcstamp),0), U_VLIRS = sum(isnull((select (case when isnull(fo.txirs,0) > 0 then PL.evirs/

    isnull(fo.txirs,0) * 100 else 0 end) from fo (nolock) where fo.fostamp = pl.fcstamp),0)) from pl (nolock) inner join po (nolock) on

    pl.postamp=po.postamp inner join fo on pl.fcstamp=fo.fostamp

    where (convert(char(10),PL.RDATA,121) BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2007-12-31' and PL.EVIRS > 0)

    group by pl.crend,po.nome,po.ncont,pl.fcstamp

    But , sql server return this error :

    37000(130)[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.

    How can resolve this problem

    Many thanks

    Luis Santos

  • I might be missing something here but I'm not sure you need those sub-queries there as you're alread joining on the table fo. See if this works:

    select CREND = PL.CREND, NOME = PO.NOME, NCONT = PO.NCONT, EVIRS = sum(PL.EVIRS), EREC = sum(PL.EREC), U_TXIRS = isnull(fo.txirs,0)

    , U_VLIRS = sum(case when isnull(fo.txirs,0) > 0 then PL.evirs/ isnull(fo.txirs,0) * 100 else 0 end)

    from pl (nolock)

    inner join po (nolock) on pl.postamp=po.postamp inner join fo on pl.fcstamp=fo.fostamp

    where convert(char(10),PL.RDATA,121) BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2007-12-31'

    AND PL.EVIRS > 0

    group by pl.crend,po.nome,po.ncont,pl.fcstamp

  • Hello Karl

    thanks for your reply, they work fine


    Luis Santos

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