tsql script

  • I want to print out the day as in numeric, but when i run this query I don't have any output for display. Can someone please help, I don't know what I am doing wrong

    DECLARE @myVariable AS NUMERIC

    SELECT @myVariable =

    DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),convert(datetime,[myColumn],0))) from mydatabase.dbo.mytable

    PRINT @myVariable

  • amadou.barry (4/16/2013)

    I want to print out the day as in numeric, but when i run this query I don't have any output for display. Can someone please help, I don't know what I am doing wrong

    DECLARE @myVariable AS NUMERIC

    SELECT @myVariable =

    DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),convert(datetime,[myColumn],0))) from mydatabase.dbo.mytable

    PRINT @myVariable

    What's the base datatype of myColumn in myTable?

    Also, are you not getting any output (as in no rows), or is the output Blank? or NULL for that matter?

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  • the data type for mycolumn is varchar and I am expecting some numeric values as I have setup the mycolumn to output numeric values.

    I can get the output desired from running the script below


    (CONVERT(DATETIME,[mycolumn],0))) from mydatabase.dbo.mytable


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