TSQL Recursive Help

  • Hello,

    I am trying to do a recursive loop so I can get parent to child, to grand child etc. which it depends on the child how deep it will go.

    I looked up many tutorials, sadly mine is not working correctly, wondering if I can get fresh eyes and maybe i am doing something wrong that may be simple?

    code is below, it is really a recursive on a part, that is created by many parts, for example, a bike, to make a bike, you need metal bars, tires etc., well the child of the tire you need these materials to make a tire etc. etc., hope that clears it up. I made a CTE first to gather all columns needed, THEN next CTE which is called final, is used to make the recursive loop, sadly not sure why its not working, P is for parent, M is for manufacture which is the child that can go into many grand childs. The Parent is Part Num, and child is MtlPart Num, any help or suggestions please.

    please help, i am sadly trying to get this to work but falling flat on my face 🙁

    ;WITH Info



    select distinct pm.company,jh.ProjectID,pm.PartNum,p.PartDescription,pm.MtlPartNum

    ,COALESCE(pq.OnHandQty,0.00) OnHandQty

    ,COALESCE(od.OrderQty,0.00) OrderQty

    ,SUM(jm.RequiredQty) RequiredQty,p.TypeCode

    ,0 as [Level]

    ,Cast(pm.Partnum as Varchar(255)) as [Path]

    from erp.PartMtl pm

    Left join erp.JobMtl jm

    on pm.company = jm.company

    and pm.mtlpartnum = jm.partnum

    and pm.MtlSeq = jm.MtlSeq

    Left Join erp.Jobhead jh

    on jm.company = jh.company

    and jm.jobnum = jh.JobNum

    Left Join erp.OrderDtl od

    on pm.company = od.company

    and pm.PartNum = od.partnum

    and pm.RevisionNum = od.RevisionNum

    Left Join erp.Part p

    on pm.mtlpartnum = p.partnum

    and pm.company = p.Company

    Left Join erp.PartQty pq

    on pm.company = pq.company

    and pm.partnum = pq.partnum

    group by pm.company,jh.ProjectID,pm.PartNum,p.PartDescription,pm.MtlPartNum,pq.OnHandQty,od.OrderQty,p.TypeCode





    select Company,ProjectID,PartNum,PartDescription,MtlPartNum,OnHandQty,OrderQty,RequiredQty,Typecode,[Level]


    from Info

    where TypeCode = 'P'

    Union ALL

    select a.Company,a.ProjectID,a.PartNum,a.PartDescription,a.MtlPartNum,a.OnHandQty,a.OrderQty,a.RequiredQty,a.Typecode,a.[Level]+1

    ,CAST(a.[Path] + '.' + CAST(a.MtlPartNum AS VARCHAR(255)) AS VARCHAR(255))

    from Info a

    Join Final b

    on a.company = b.company

    and a.Partnum = b.MtlPartNum

    where a.TypeCode = 'M'


    select *

    from Final

    where [path] like '%909HMFABRK-002%'

  • OK I found my problem, however definitely need your guys help, so here is the correct code:

    ;WITH Info



    select distinct pm.company,jh.ProjectID,pm.PartNum,p.PartDescription,pm.MtlPartNum

    ,COALESCE(pq.OnHandQty,0.00) OnHandQty

    ,COALESCE(od.OrderQty,0.00) OrderQty

    ,SUM(jm.RequiredQty) RequiredQty,p.TypeCode

    ,0 as [Level]

    ,Cast(pm.Partnum as Varchar(255)) as [Path]

    from erp.PartMtl pm

    Left join erp.JobMtl jm

    on pm.company = jm.company

    and pm.mtlpartnum = jm.partnum

    and pm.MtlSeq = jm.MtlSeq

    Left Join erp.Jobhead jh

    on jm.company = jh.company

    and jm.jobnum = jh.JobNum

    Left Join erp.OrderDtl od

    on pm.company = od.company

    and pm.PartNum = od.partnum

    --and pm.RevisionNum = od.RevisionNum

    Left Join erp.Part p

    on pm.mtlpartnum = p.partnum

    and pm.company = p.Company

    Left Join erp.PartQty pq

    on pm.company = pq.company

    and pm.partnum = pq.partnum

    group by pm.company,jh.ProjectID,pm.PartNum,p.PartDescription,pm.MtlPartNum,pq.OnHandQty,od.OrderQty,p.TypeCode





    select Company,ProjectID,PartNum,PartDescription,MtlPartNum,OnHandQty,OrderQty,RequiredQty,Typecode,[Level]


    from Info

    where TypeCode = 'P'

    Union ALL

    select a.Company,a.ProjectID,a.PartNum,a.PartDescription,a.MtlPartNum,a.OnHandQty,a.OrderQty,a.RequiredQty,a.Typecode,a.[Level]+1

    ,CAST(a.[Path] + '.' + CAST(a.MtlPartNum AS VARCHAR(255)) AS VARCHAR(255))

    from Info a

    Join Final b

    on a.company = b.company

    and a.MtlPartNum = b.PartNum

    where a.TypeCode = 'M'


    select *

    from Final

    where [path] like '%909HMFABRK-002%'

    SO, my question is this, how can I get the grandchild to reference back to parent, for example:

    1. Bike - Parent

    2. tires - child

    3. steering - child

    4. plastic - grandshild to Tires child

    For number 4, how can I reference it all the way back to bike parent? or if I were to put this in a query, and someone wanted to run a filter/parameter for bike, how do I show the results like:





    when I use my query, the PATH column only references the child, which is tires.

    any ideas?

  • Since we don't have your data nor even your table structure, I have to ask... what is the code not doing?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • sorry about that,

    let me start with this:

    create table #table_name


    partnum varchar(10),

    Mpartnum varchar(20),

    typecode varchar(1000)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)

    values('plastic',' ','M')

    ;WITH info



    select *

    ,0 as [Level]

    ,Cast(Mpartnum as Varchar(255)) as [Path]

    from #table_name

    union all

    select a.*


    ,CAST(b.[Path] + '.' + CAST(a.Mpartnum AS VARCHAR(255)) AS VARCHAR(255))

    from #table_name a

    join info b

    on a.Mpartnum = b.partnum


    select *

    from info

    where partnum = 'bike10'

    drop table #table_name

    so once you run it 2 things:

    1. you see plastic in the Path, its fine, but I want something to reference back to parent like this:

    path: bike10.tires.plastic

    2. I would like the row that has tires2 as partnum and Mpartnum plastic to show up because its the next level down from bike10, then to tires2, then plastic, hope this all makes sense and helps out better on explaining.

    still trying but pulling my hair (whats left of it)

    thanks in advanced

  • OK. The first problem with all of this is that you've not used Bike10 as a child and so you have to do all sorts of different stuff because of it and all of that get's really confusing and also makes it more difficult to "drill down" into the "sub-assemblies". I added a "Top Level" to all of this so that we could make life much easier.

    The second problem is minding your "a's and b's". It's really tough to remember which is the table and which is the cte when trying to troubleshoot.

    The third problem is related to the first. My personal opinion is that the columns in the table are out of order as the normally would be. The "child" column is the key to the table and it should probably be first in the table just to keep from confusing people.

    With all that, here's the modified test table setup and the solution. I also recommend that you adopt a method of standard indentation to make the code a lot easier to read and troubleshoot.

    --===== If it exists, drop the test table to make reruns in SSMS easier.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdcte..#TableName','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #TableName



    --===== Create the test table.

    -- Note that I changed the order of the columns to make things more obvious

    CREATE TABLE #TableName


    MPartNum VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED --Child, which must be unique.

    ,PPartNum VARCHAR(20) --Parent

    ,TypeCode CHAR(1)



    --===== Populate the test table.

    -- Notice that I added a "Top Level" and got rid of your last entry.

    INSERT INTO #TableName


    SELECT 'Bike10' ,NULL ,'P' UNION ALL --This is the "Top Level" to make Bike10 a "Child" like it needs to be.

    SELECT 'Tires2' ,'Bike10','P' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Handle' ,'Bike10','P' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Plastic','Tires2','M'


    --===== Now it's easy to solve the problem because everything we need is a "Child" and maybe a parent.

    -- We don't need to handle the very top level differently.

    WITH cteHierarchy AS


    SELECT MPartNum



    ,HLevel = 0

    ,SortPath = CAST(MPartNum AS VARCHAR(254))

    FROM #TableName

    WHERE MPartNum = 'bike10'

    UNION ALL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    SELECT tbl.MPartNum



    ,HLevel = cte.HLevel + 1

    ,SortPath = CAST(cte.SortPath + '.' + CAST(tbl.MPartNum AS VARCHAR(254)) AS VARCHAR(254))

    FROM #TableName tbl

    JOIN cteHierarchy cte

    ON tbl.PPartNum = cte.MPartNum


    SELECT *

    FROM cteHierarchy

    ORDER BY SortPath


    Here are the results.

    MPartNum PPartNum TypeCode HLevel SortPath

    -------------------- -------------------- -------- ----------- ---------------------

    Bike10 NULL P 0 Bike10

    Handle Bike10 P 1 Bike10.Handle

    Tires2 Bike10 P 1 Bike10.Tires2

    Plastic Tires2 M 2 Bike10.Tires2.Plastic

    (4 row(s) affected)

    Again, the key to success on Parent/Child (Adjacency List) tables is that, except for the very to level where the parent is NULL, all parents must also be children or it becomes a real bugger to write code for especially for later drill downs in the hierarchy.

    If this is going to get big, then I recommend you read the following two articles for some of the easiest maintenance and fast performance possible. It also makes aggregating things like cost and rolled up costs a whole lot easier.



    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Original table looks like bill of material type which is generally not restricted to tree structure, it may be a network hierarchy as well.

    I added 'bike20' to demonstrate it.

    I'd suggest that there should be two separate tables - parts list and bill of material, but let's stick with what OP provided. You can easily track roots of the hierarchies as follows

    create table #table_name


    partnum varchar(20), -- 20 both

    Mpartnum varchar(20),

    typecode varchar(1000)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)


    insert into #table_name(partnum,Mpartnum,typecode)

    values('plastic',' ','M')

    ;WITH info as (

    select distinct -- list of parts to track

    root = partnum


    ,parent = cast( null as varchar(20))

    ,0 as [Level]

    ,Cast(partnum as Varchar(255)) as [Path]

    from #table_name t

    -- Uncomment it to start from top level parts only

    --where not exists (select 1 from #table_name t2 where t2.Mpartnum = t.partnum)

    union all






    ,CAST(b.[Path] + '.' + CAST(a.Mpartnum AS VARCHAR(255)) AS VARCHAR(255))

    from #table_name a

    join info b

    on a.partnum = b.partnum


    select *

    from info

    where root = 'tires2' -- 'bike20'

    drop table #table_name

  • thank you serg-52, and jeff.

    thanks to you both I am all that close to getting my objective done.

    now that I have the query I want it, or maybe I do, but now I want to line them up in ssrs, like





    hope that heirachy explains how I would like it, sadly I researched and found that I need to go to properies of the group, then advanced then recursive, but I do that and selected group by Partnum for parent and its still looking vertical instead of what i would like it to be above, any thoughts?

    thanks again both of you in advance or anyone else input

  • thank you both again for your help, i found this article that helped me the rest of the way:


    hope it helps others as well. but thank you again both of you, really steered me in the right direction and thanks jeff for the advice... little aggressive you are, but still thank you, I liked serg approach, much nicer 🙂

  • Heh... I'm a little aggressive because of what? Recommending that you format your code and use meaningful aliases or the recommendation to change the data to be a true and fully drillable Adjacency List?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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