TSQL Message Filter

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to filter the below flat file message which is stored in a sql table. But i am not able to fileter successfully. Here the table structure and data.

    create table #t1


    Message varchar(8000)


    insert into #t1

    select '










    ES0111845014 AC.ABERTIS INFRAE


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3








    My Requirement is :

    I want to filter or retrieve the string parts which start with ':61:'.

    Expected output:


















    Inputs are highly appreciable !


  • Using a few changes to the ever-popular uftSplitString function,

    [font="Courier New"]






    SELECT '










    ES0111845014 AC.ABERTIS INFRAE


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3









    DECLARE @String VARCHAR(8000), @Delimiter VARCHAR(4)

    SELECT @String = [Message] FROM #t1

    SET @Delimiter = ':61:'


       SELECT SUBSTRING(@String+@Delimiter, number-LEN(@Delimiter),

               CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @String+@Delimiter, number) - number) AS MESSAGE

       FROM Numbers

       WHERE number <= LEN(REPLACE(@String,' ','|'))

       AND SUBSTRING(@Delimiter + @String, number, LEN(REPLACE(@Delimiter,' ','|'))) = @Delimiter

    ) d

    WHERE MESSAGE LIKE @Delimiter + '%'


    The outer or Onion (TM JBModen) select gets rid of the first row.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • karthikeyan (8/22/2008)

    Hi All,

    I am trying to filter the below flat file message which is stored in a sql table. But i am not able to fileter successfully. Here the table structure and data.

    create table #t1


    Message varchar(8000)


    insert into #t1

    select '










    ES0111845014 AC.ABERTIS INFRAE


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3








    My Requirement is :

    I want to filter or retrieve the string parts which start with ':61:'.

    Expected output:


















    Inputs are highly appreciable !

    I hope it helps 😀

    declare @STR varchar(8000)

    declare @str1 varchar(8000)

    declare @str2 table(msg varchar(8000))

    select @STR = ms from #t1

    set @str1 = ''

    declare @i int

    declare @y int

    while(charindex(':61:', @STR) <> 0)


    select @i = charindex(':61:',@str)

    select @y = charindex(char(13),substring(@str, @i, len(@str)-@i))

    print @i

    print @y

    select @str1 = substring(@str,@i, @y)

    insert into @str2 select @str1

    set @STR = substring(@str, @i+2, len(@str))


    select * from @str2

  • Here's my effort. I was assuming there could be multiple messages in #t1, which makes it a bit trickier. I'm not proud of it, but anyway...

    --Sample Data

    --drop table #t1

    create table #t1


    Message varchar(8000)


    insert into #t1

    select '










    ES0111845014 AC.ABERTIS INFRAE


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3


    ES0109427734 AC. ANTENA 3








    union all select ':61:fewefe


    union all select ':52:dsfjksdf


    union all select '72dsfjksdf


    union all select ''

    union all select null


    declare @t table (Message varchar(8000))

    insert @t select replace(Message, ':61:', '¬') from #t1

    while @@rowcount > 0

    update b set Message = stuff(Message, UnwantedRowPosition, UnwantedRowLength+1, '') from (

    select *, charindex(char(10), substring(Message+char(10), UnwantedRowPosition+1, 8000)) as UnwantedRowLength

    from (

    select Message, patindex('%' + char(10) + '[^¬]%', char(10) + Message) as UnwantedRowPosition from @t) a

    where UnwantedRowPosition > 0) b

    select replace(Message, '¬', ':61:') from @t

    Note: Assumes '¬' is not contained in Message - if it is replace it with a character which isn't in there, if possible.

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Good point Ryan:

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @Delimiter VARCHAR(4)

    SET @Delimiter = ':61:'


       SELECT SUBSTRING([Message]+@Delimiter, number-LEN(@Delimiter),

               LEN(@Delimiter)+CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, [Message]+@Delimiter, number) - number) AS MESSAGE

       FROM Numbers, #t1

       WHERE number <= LEN(REPLACE([Message],' ','|'))

       AND SUBSTRING(@Delimiter + [Message], number, LEN(REPLACE(@Delimiter,' ','|'))) = @Delimiter

    ) d

    WHERE MESSAGE LIKE @Delimiter + '%'[/font]

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Sorry a little late here.

    Thanks a lot Ryan,Chris and Arjun ! I really appreciate your's help !


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