TSQL LAB 2 - Writing Conditional WHERE Clauses

  • declare @myParam int

    set @myParam = 6 (or null)

    select *

    from entry


    (entry.uid = @myParam OR @myParam is null)

    No need to make the param zero. This worked as expected so that

    when myparam = 6 it returned the single row

    when myparam = null it returned all

    when myparam = 666666666 it returned none. (an int not in the column)

    On the face of it it looks more performant then the coalesce method. If I try some tests I will post the results.


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  • Based on my experience, the one using Dynamic SQL is the best solution. using or operator is not recommended,

    1.cause it will SQL Server to misuse index.

    2.When the traffic is high, it consume more CPU resource....


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