TSQL help

  • Hi TSQL Gurus,

    Need small help.

    Basically, looking of a query which will give me the number of times/count of times the job will run in a day based on the job schedule. For example, The job is scheduled to execute every 1 hour in a day, then my output should be 24 times.

    How to write such a logic? Can anyone help?

    My SQL Version is : SQL 2012 Enterprise Edition

    Thanks in advance.

  • Anybody ???

    Repeating the requirement,

    For example, The job is scheduled to execute every 1 hour in a day (Occurs every day every 1 hour(s) between 12:00:00 AM and 11:59:59 PM), then my output should show me Jobname and Execution count per day = 24 times.

  • Where are you getting the frequency information from? Care to share that part?

  • I pasted from GUI. Went to the Job properties -> Schedules.

    Programmatically, we have to get it from msdb.dbo.sysschedules.

  • You might find this post helpful[/url]


  • Hi All,

    I was able to get some help and got the query. But it doesn't work if we select "Occurs once at" in the Schedule section of the job. However, If I select "Occurs every x mins, x hours" this query works well.

    Checking if anybody can help me in fixing this.

    Attaching Working.png & Networking.png screenshots.

    SQL version : 2012

    Query :

    SELECT j.job_id, j.name AS jobname,

    (CASE WHEN CAST(CAST(active_start_date AS varchar(10)) AS datetime) = CAST(GETDATE() AS date)

    THEN 24-DATEDIFF(hh,0,TIMEFROMPARTS (CONVERT(CHAR(2), active_start_time/10000),CONVERT(CHAR(2), (active_start_time % 10000) / 100),CONVERT(CHAR(2), (active_start_time % 100)), 0, 0 ))

    WHEN CAST(CAST(active_end_date AS varchar(10)) AS datetime) = CAST(GETDATE() AS date)

    THEN DATEDIFF(hh,0,TIMEFROMPARTS (CONVERT(CHAR(2), active_end_time/10000),CONVERT(CHAR(2), (active_end_time % 10000) / 100),CONVERT(CHAR(2), (active_end_time % 100)), 0, 0 ))



    END * CASE s.freq_subday_type

    WHEN 8 THEN 1

    WHEN 4 THEN 60

    WHEN 2 THEN 60 * 60

    END)/freq_subday_interval AS ScheduledExecutionsPerDay

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs j

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules js

    ON js.job_id = j.job_id

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysschedules s

    ON s.schedule_id = js.schedule_id

    WHERE s.enabled = 1 -- show me only jobs whose schedules are enabled

    and j.name not like 'sys%'

    AND s.freq_type in (4, 8) --- means Daily

    AND j.enabled = 1 -- show me only enabled jobs


    Thanks in advance.

  • Look at the condition 'AND s.freq_type in (4, 8) --- means Daily'.

    If [freq_type] in msdb.dbo.sysschedules is 1, the [active_start_date]

    and [active_start_time] give the details.

  • Hi Doug,

    So what should be my WHERE conditopn be? If I put a WHEERE Clause as freq_type = 1, no output is displayed.

  • I hope this doesn't come over as rude but how is your sql? Most of the logic is there and I pointed you at the condition which was stopping the 'once only' jobs to run.

    I see that your query is looking for jobs on the day that the query is run so you could take the query that Eirikur gave you and alter the logic so that instead of building the strings which display the schedule, you check for today's date.

    If you want to, you could just use the query as it is and do a little manual work to find out if any of your jobs are due to run on the day you run the query. I suppose it depends what it is you are trying to do.

  • Okay thanks Doug.

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