TSQL Functions

  • Does anybody know the code to use to search a string for the first space in the string and return anything to the left of the string?

    I am trying to get the Postcode Area from a postcode. ie trying to get the L5 part of a postcode of L5 3QE

    I don't believe there is a single function that can be used to achieve this and I believe I will have to combine a few functions together but I am not sure.

    Thanks in advance





  • This is formated to work in a select statement... could be optimized to be used in a function.

    Declare @Zip as varchar(6)

    SET @Zip = 'L5 3QE'

    Select LEFT(@Zip, CASE WHEN charindex(' ' , @Zip, 1) > 0 THEN charindex(' ' , @Zip, 1) ELSE 1 END - 1)


    SET @Zip = 'L5_3QE'

    Select LEFT(@Zip, CASE WHEN charindex(' ' , @Zip, 1) > 0 THEN charindex(' ' , @Zip, 1) ELSE 1 END - 1)

    --no error

  • DECLARE @PostCode varchar(8)

    SELECT @PostCode = 'NE1 1AA'

    SELECT LEFT(@PostCode, CHARINDEX(' ', @PostCode) - 1)

  • Have you tried with 'NE11AA'?

  • Remi's is better for error trapping... so if you can possibly get postcodes with the space missing, use his.

  • Just now... it fails. I posted at the same time as you and hadn't considered there being no space.

  • You're idea is good, just need this tweak :

    Select LEFT(PostCode, CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode) - 1) from dbo.YourTable where CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode) > 0

    Now it works .

    But I still don't know the context so this is not very constructive.

  • I know the feeling .

  • Guys,

    I dug out a piece of code and messed about with it and it seems to do the trick although I don't fully understand what it does?


    select  client_id, 

    substring(post_code_insured,1,len(post_code_insured)-(charindex(' ', right(reverse(post_code_insured),len(post_code_insured))))), 

    from <client table>

    Can you explain it?




  • Same thing, only more complicated .

  • The only thing I would say is your code brings back less rows than mine?


    Does your code deal with NULLS?


  • It should do, by returning NULL. Are you using Remi's re-vamp of my code to do a Select from a table? If so, could the missing rows be rows with postcodes without spaces?

  • Oh... hang on... NULL > 0 evaluates to false so no, NULLs would be excluded by that Where clause.

  • if he's using my code, then yes.

    That's what I said earlier, we can't provide the right anwser as long as we don't know the circumstances of use of the code.

  • Null > 0 = UNKNOWN (not true), but it doesn't = false.

    Ya that actually makes sens somehow .

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