TSQL Convert 3.100000000000e+003 to human readable format (Double)

  • I have a stored procedure that returns a XML string, I have a field 'Quantities' which contains an odd value : 3.100000000000e+003.

    I know it's a numeric value and it is valid but is there a way to format it in TSQL so it's human readable?


  • Something like this?

    --== SAMPLE DATA ==--

    DECLARE @XML XML = '<YourXML><TheData value="3.100000000000e+003" /></YourXML>';

    --== VIEW SAMPLE DATA==--


    /* Looks like this: -


    <TheData value="3.100000000000e+003" />



    --==Convert from scientific notation==--

    SELECT Data.value('(@value)[1]', 'REAL')

    FROM @XML.nodes('./YourXML/TheData') yourXMLData(Data);

    If not. . . supply sample data and expected result-set in your question. Otherwise, people just have to guess what you want.

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  • Thank you, yes, I just came around the problem with the same type of solution.

    Something like : str(cast('252536e+003' as real) )

    Thanks again.

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