TSQL and if it can be done in set

  • Hey Experts,

    This recently came up at work and the solution to the problem was utilizing a loop. I was trying to figure out how to achieve this but was struggling.

    I have SQL below which is very simple example.

    The NULL Rents are not know and what I would like to do is use the previous TimePeriodDate value and growth to get a good estimate for that missing Time frame.

    Calc - Previous Row Rent * Growth

    For PropertyID =1

    Known Rent - 2016-03-01 00:00:00.000 Rent=1200 * Growth = 1.2

    Unknown Rent for next month = Previous record (Rent=1200 * Growth = 1.2 ) = 1400

    And keep doing this for the unknown values. I am not sure this can be done without loop, data would need to be stored somewhere to get the next row value.

    For TimePeriodDate = 6/1/2016 I do not know the value of the previous month until I get the data for the 1 before.

    I was thinking somehow that can be created in memory.

    This problem has since been solved and rewritten differently than how it was before, but I still am very curious to see if set base is possible here. For my learning.

    This is very small set only 4 records, but image 200 records with NULL rent but the very first observation is known.

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.RentGrowth', 'u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.RentGrowth

    CREATE TABLE dbo.RentGrowth


    PropertyID INT

    ,TimePeriodDate DATETIME

    ,Rent INT

    ,Growth DECIMAL(6,2)


    INSERT INTO dbo.RentGrowth

    SELECT 1, '20160301', 1200, 1.2


    SELECT 1, '20160401', NULL, 1.3


    SELECT 1, '20160501', NULL, 1.5


    SELECT 1, '20160601', NULL, 1.6

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.RentGrowth

    /*****expected output**************






  • Due to the way you have to calculate the current rent, I think your only option is to use a cursor (Yeah, I know, I should probably wash my own mouth out with soap for saying that!).

    Try this and see what you get (For a second, it looks like it will work, but you can't carry the values forward, so it fails.)

    SELECT a.PropertyID

    , a.TimePeriodDate

    , a.PrevRent * a.PrevGrowth As ThisRight

    FROM (SELECT PropertyID

    , TimePeriodDate

    , LAG(Rent,1,0) OVER (ORDER BY TimePeriodDate) AS PrevRent

    , LAG(Growth,1,0) OVER (ORDER BY TimePeriodDate) AS PrevGrowth

    FROM dbo.RentGrowth) a;

    A cursor (yeah, dirty word) would at least let you accumulate the growth etc and multiply (kind of like Excel). My little mind can't figure out how to do it, though. (For a second I was thinking of pivoting the Growth values and then multiplying, but I don't think that would work either.

  • I'm no sure but i believe there is a calculation issue in your expected output.

    /*****expected output**************



    15/1/201618201.5 ----- This Should be 1440 * 1.3 = 1872

    16/1/201629121.6 ----- This Should be 1872 * 1.5 = 2808


    or is there something which i am missing?

  • Or dust off your school maths book and use logarithms!WITH Logs AS (




    ,MIN(Rent) OVER (PARTITION BY PropertyID) AS StartRent


    ,SUM(LOG(Growth)) OVER (


    ORDER BY TimePeriodDate


    ) AS LogofGrowth

    FROM dbo.RentGrowth





    ,COALESCE(StartRent * EXP(LogofGrowth),StartRent)


    FROM Logs


  • There is a way to do this, assuming a specific clustered index can be added to the table. It relies on the infamous 'Quirky Update':

    USE Testing;


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.RentGrowth', 'u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.RentGrowth;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.RentGrowth


    PropertyID INT

    ,TimePeriodDate DATETIME

    ,Rent INT

    ,Growth DECIMAL(6, 2)


    INSERT INTO dbo.RentGrowth

    SELECT 1

    , '20160301'

    , 1200

    , 1.2


    SELECT 1

    , '20160401'

    , NULL

    , 1.3


    SELECT 1

    , '20160501'

    , NULL

    , 1.5


    SELECT 1

    , '20160601'

    , NULL

    , 1.6;

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_PropertyId_TimePeriodDate ON dbo.RentGrowth(PropertyID, TimePeriodDate);


    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.RentGrowth;

    /*****expected output**************






    DECLARE @Rent INT;

    DECLARE @PreviousPropertyId INT = -1;

    DECLARE @PreviousGrowth DECIMAL(6, 2) = 1;

    UPDATE rg

    SET @Rent = rg.Rent = CASE WHEN rg.PropertyID = @PreviousPropertyId THEN @Rent * @PreviousGrowth

    ELSE rg.Rent


    , @PreviousGrowth = rg.Growth

    , @PreviousPropertyId = rg.PropertyID

    FROM dbo.RentGrowth rg WITH (TABLOCKX)


    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.RentGrowth;

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Thank you all!

    Love the EXP of the Log solution John. I do need to brush up on my math:)

    The Query update works too, actually this one I attempted but failed so glad to see you provide a working solution Phil!

    Sorry about the horrible expected results. They are wrong, but luckily that was not really the point.

    On a side note, going to be prototyping some R with SQL Server 2016 to see how that fairs with predicting rents and filling in unknown values.

    Will see how that goes.

  • Sorry about the horrible expected results. They are wrong, but luckily that was not really the point.

    Well, Most of the time that is really the point.

    On a side note, going to be prototyping some R with SQL Server 2016 to see how that fairs with predicting rents and filling in unknown values.

    Will see how that goes.

    Best of luck with it.

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