Trying to use a mid function in an Access query to pull data from a long sting.

  • I have some good news.

    I'm an idiot!

    I tried copy/paste on the above code into an access sql-view query form.  When I went back to the design view, I noticed it didn't have the table name in the "right" place below each object to select. (please forgive me if i'm not using the correct terms).  So, being the asute observer that I am, said: "hey, that won't work" and put in the "correct" table name.  when I ran the query, it gave me error after error after error...  Then I write here that your crappy code is useless for me.

    After the second posting that said it MUST WORK or it's something on my end, I gave it another try.  Again, the table name didn't show up.  after being dumbfounded for hours upon hours, I revisited it again.  Then it hit me.  leave the ***king thing alone and run it exactly as is written by the gods of  I did, and it works.  Now I feel like a complete @$$ and beg for forgiveness.

    I can now work on getting the darn filters to work in there and after that, world peace.

    Thank you so much for your patience and hard work!


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