Trying to sort a table twice in one command.

  • I'm trying to sort a table in ascending LastName order and then move all the NEW names that have been added within the last month to the top of this search.

    So that I get a table looking something like this:-

    LastName               DateAdded

    Zachery                   4th Nov 2005

    Arthurs                    1st Mar 2005

    Bell                         6th Apr 2003

    Curtis                      4th Jul 2004

    Zachery would initially have been the last name in this table of four, but because he was added within the last month he gets moved to the top.

    Meanwhile, the other three remain in alphabetical order because they've been there for longer than a month.

    The reason I need this is so that I can list all the recent additions to the top of the table for a month, after which time it will resume it's alphabetical place at the end of the table.

    Hope you can help




  • Alan you could use a case command e.g. using the pubs database this orders differntly depending on the date


    select title_id, title, type, pubdate, orders=CASE

             WHEN pubdate > '01/07/1991' THEN '1'

      WHEN pubdate < '01/07/1991' THEN '2'


    from titles

    order by orders,


    I put the case calsue in the select list in the example to be clear about what it does but it van be re-written thus


    select title_id, title, type, pubdate

    from titles

    order by CASE

             WHEN pubdate > '01/07/1991' THEN '1'

      WHEN pubdate < '01/07/1991' THEN '2'






  • Two queries, one temp table and a reverse ranking by identity column!

    1. Create a temp table for your data with the first column being an identity column.

    2. Select the data into the table by name descending omitting records added within the last month

    3. Select the data into the table with the ranking by date added and only the records added in the last month

    4. Select the data out of the temp table sorting desc on the identity column and it should be in the desired order.

  • Modified from David's script

    select LastName, DateAdded,

    LastMonth = case when DateAdded >= convert(char(8), dateadd(month, -1, getdate()), 112) then





    from #cust

    order by LastMonth, LastName


    select LastName, DateAdded

    from #cust

    order by case when DateAdded >= convert(char(8), dateadd(month, -1, getdate()), 112) then






  • Excellent! Thanks guys.

    As always, there's more than one way of 'skinning a cat'. I'm using the code below (based on the answers above) and it works exactly how I wanted it to , BUT...... will someone explain to me what the CASE command actually does?

    SELECT *

    FROM Celebs


    WHEN DateAdded > GETDATE() - 30 THEN '1'

    WHEN DateAdded < GETDATE() THEN '2'

    END, LastName

    Thanks again



  • Alan -

    You may want to double check your logic unless you truly want records added more than 30 days ago, to the exact hour, minute and second to go into bucket '2'.  "[KH]" is on the right track, you also may also need to think about the number of days in the month, since October has 31 days, 30 days ago was October 6 whereas 1 month ago was October 5th.

    Try the following select statements stand alone in query analyzer to see the differences:

    select getdate()-30

    select dateadd(day,-30,getdate())

    select dateadd(month, -1, getdate())

    select cast(convert(char(8), dateadd(day,-30,getdate()), 112) as datetime)

    select cast(convert(char(8), dateadd(month, -1, getdate()), 112) as datetime)

    To use either of the last two statements in your case statement remove "select cast(" and "as datetime)", I just included to show what happens when SQL Server interprets the statements.



  • Thanks Joe,

    I've tested your code in the Query Analyser and observed the subtle differences, and have adjusted my code accordingly.

    Thanks to everyone.


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