Trying to Pull Records from Two Tables With Conditions

  • I have two tables. One is my current Audit table for my ERP system and another is my archived Audit table for my ERP system. Here is a sample:

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#AuditTable','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #AuditTable

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#AuditArchive','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #AuditArchive


    --===== Create the test tables and insert test data

    CREATE TABLE #AuditTable (RecordNum INT,

    CreateDate DateTime,

    AuditRecord NVARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO #AuditTable (RecordNum, CreateDate, AuditRecord)

    SELECT 6, '04/01/2012 08:36:45.000', 'Add Record 35' UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, '04/02/2012 09:01:01.000', 'Del Record 35' UNION ALL

    SELECT 8, '04/03/2012 07:54:33.000', 'Upd Record 22' UNION ALL

    SELECT 9, '04/04/2012 13:03:54.000', 'Del Record 31' UNION ALL

    SELECT 10, '04/05/2012 18:25:19.000', 'Upd Record 14'

    CREATE TABLE #AuditArchive (RecordNum INT,

    CreateDate DateTime,

    AuditRecord NVARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO #AuditArchive (RecordNum, CreateDate, AuditRecord)

    SELECT 1, '01/10/2012 12:01:23.000', 'Add Record 10' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '02/14/2012 06:36:48.000', 'Del Record 9' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '02/29/2012 19:45:22.000', 'Add Record 11' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '03/17/2012 14:20:23.000', 'Upd Record 13' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, '03/23/2012 15:33:31.000', 'Del Record 17'

    --==== SELECT the records

    SELECT RecordNum, CreateDate, AuditRecord FROM #AuditTable


    SELECT RecordNum, CreateDate, AuditRecord FROM #AuditArchive

    ORDER BY RecordNum

    I am trying to create code that will pull from both tables, but only if I need data from both tables. In our example, if I only need data for April I just want to pull from AuditTable. However, if I want data from January through April, I need to pull from both tables. Ideally, I would like to be able to pull from just AuditArchive if I need data older than April.

    I know I can create a series of IF statements and include the complete code for each, but for my real life tables I would end up with hundreds of lines of code. If there any way I can do this with much less code?

    If you need any extra information, please let me know.



  • this looks like an ideal candidate for redesigning the tables into a single and using range partitioning for each month


  • Maybe you should create a total of 3 procs. One is the main "driver" proc which has your conditional check(s).

    create procA

    if (somecondition)

    exec procB


    exec procC


    create procB

    get data from #AuditTable


    create procC

    get data from #AuditArchive

    This gives you the advantage of decent execution plans for the different queries while still providing a single proc to call.

    Not sure if that is what you are looking for but based on your description that sounds like a good fit.


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  • michael vessey (4/24/2012)

    this looks like an ideal candidate for redesigning the tables into a single and using range partitioning for each month



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  • Sean, I like your suggestion for my situation. I like the other one, but the original AuditTable is part of a proprietary ERP system, and if I try to make modifications to it I will probably break it, not to mention the fact that our ERP supplier would not be very happy with us modifying their stuff.

    Thank you all for your input.


  • sdownen05 (4/24/2012)

    Sean, I like your suggestion for my situation. I like the other one, but the original AuditTable is part of a proprietary ERP system, and if I try to make modifications to it I will probably break it, not to mention the fact that our ERP supplier would not be very happy with us modifying their stuff.

    Thank you all for your input.


    I had thought about partitioning too but didn't since you said this was an ERP so I assumed it was third party. It is amazing how often those of us in the field come up with far better solutions than the vendors come up with. Of course the stuff they come up with is so often so crappy it is hard to not to find something better.

    Hope the multi proc idea works for you.


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  • I agree with you. The code they use in most cases is definitely like using a sledge hammer to insert a thumb tack.

  • ...

    It is amazing how often those of us in the field come up with far better solutions than the vendors come up with. Of course the stuff they come up with is so often so crappy it is hard to not to find something better.


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