Trying to modify a colum based upon the content already there

  • Hello folks,

    I don't bump into this so often, and after extensive googling I haven't been able to put 2 and 2 together that equals something that could be useful.

    I'd like for this to be a cursor. So that it would go through all the rows in a table. The logic would be as follows.

    1. select ColumnValue that is not "sometext\"

    2. add "sometext\" + ColumnValue

    3. update the relevant column in the relevant row with this new value.

    I following is to just further illustrate my intent.

    declare @login_ varchar(255)

    declare @sql varchar(255)

    set @login_ = (select LOGIN from TABLE where LOGIN not like 'sometext\%')

    set @sql = 'update WORKSTAT set LOGIN = @login_'

    exec sp_excutesql @sql

    I'm at a loss and would greatly appreciate any informative pointers.


  • First I'm confused why you would want to use a cursor? SQL Server isn't very efficient with cursors and this seems like it could easily be a set based solution.

    create table MyTable(

    myID int

    , myChar varchar(20)



    insert MyTable select 1, 'A'

    insert MyTable select 1, 'B'

    insert MyTable select 1, 'C'


    update MyTable

    set MyChar = '1' + MyChar

  • I'm assuming you want a cursor to dynamically create Integrated Security Logins from existing SQL Logins by concatenating the domain name to the username.

    If that's case, you should be able to query the sys.server_principals catalog view with something like this & then create any needed logins manually or using a cursor approach.

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE type = 'S' -- SQL Logins

    AND name != 'sa' -- 'sa' probably isn't a domain account too.

    AND name NOT LIKE '##%'

    AND is_disabled <> 1 -- Ignore disabled logins

    AND principal_id NOT IN

    (SELECT principal_id -- Exclude the existing matches

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE (type = 'U' OR type = 'G') -- U = Windows Logins, G = Windows Groups

    AND is_disabled <> 1)

    Here's a quick mod I made to the orignal query, that should give you what I think you're looking for.

    DECLARE @DomainName nvarchar(max);

    SET @DomainName = 'Microsoft\'; -- Set your domain name here.



    Id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    LoginName nvarchar(max) NOT NULL,

    DefaultDatabase nvarchar(max) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('master')


    INSERT INTO @Logins

    SELECT @DomainName+name AS 'login_name_to_create'


    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE type = 'S' -- SQL Logins

    AND name != 'sa' -- 'sa' probably isn't a domain account too.

    AND name NOT LIKE '##%'

    AND is_disabled <> 1 -- Ignore disabled logins

    AND principal_id NOT IN

    (SELECT principal_id -- Exclude the existing matches

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE (type = 'U' OR type = 'G') -- U = Windows Logins, G = Windows Groups

    AND is_disabled <> 1)

    DECLARE @_sql nvarchar(max);

    DECLARE @_LoginName nvarchar(max);

    DECLARE @_DefaultDatabase nvarchar(max);

    WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @Logins) > 0


    SET @_LoginName = (SELECT TOP 1 LoginName FROM @Logins);

    SET @_DefaultDatabase = (SELECT TOP 1 DefaultDatabase FROM @Logins);

    SET @_sql = 'CREATE LOGIN ['+@_LoginName+'] FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=['+COALESCE(@_DefaultDatabase, 'master')+'];';

    SET @_sql = @_sql+CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)+'GO';

    --EXEC (@_sql); -- Uncomment this to execute the SQL.

    PRINT (@_sql);

    DELETE FROM @Logins WHERE LoginName = @_LoginName


    Looks like the code highlighter is treating the slash as an escape character. This should run though.

  • Well the assumption was not so far from the truth. But it's not sql server internals related.

    However you are correct in that I need to add a domain prefix to a column that contains usernames. It's just not related to sql server.

    @steve-2 - A cursor was the only way I could think of to do this, it's not a requirement. My requirements are as follows.

    1. To be able to schedule this in a job.

    2. To take the content in all the rows, and add a domain suffix to the login column to those that do not have it.

    And I cant blindly do a suffix + columnvalue either, as that would add it up twice for those that do not already have it. But the suffix is fixed, it does not change.

    Really appreciate the replies!

  • You can modify the WHERE clause to avoid those rows that have the item already. So something like this:

    update MyTable

    set MyChar = '1' + MyChar

    WHERE SUBSTRING( mychar, 1,1 ) <> '1'

    Just use your domain value in place of my '1'

  • @steve-2

    Worked like advertised. And a gentle reminder in KISS. Much appreciated!

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