Trying to learn SQL - Advice

  • Alan.B (6/2/2015)

    fliteskates (6/1/2015)

    Eric M Russell (6/1/2015)

    fliteskates (5/29/2015)

    Hey all,

    I am trying to learn how to use SQL and I have downloaded MSSQL Server 2014 Express. I am a complete beginner with little experience.

    I just downloaded and installed the Adventureworks DB to practice with. Can anyone please tell me where I can find some beginners tutorials to use with this database?

    I am basically looking for a launchpad here and figure out what to do next.

    Thank you

    Tell is a little more about your previous professional or educational background, and also your intended IT occupation, so we know where to start.

    Kevin Kline's "SQL in a Nutshell" book is good primer on how relational databases in general work and learning generic SQL.

    I graduated with a business degree, then went into digital marketing where I was at for a decade and change. I recently got an IT job monitoring servers.

    The DBAs who work with me pointed me to this site and told me to download and learn Ms SQL Server. So I've been working with simple DB creation, and will soon be messing around with queries, maintenance plans, etc. Then work my way up to figuring out how mirroring and log shipping work and well beyond, hopefully.

    Lots to learn, but I'm trying not to let it intimidate me.

    On the T-SQL side I will pile on and say read Itzik Ben-Gan; whatever direction you go it is best to get a good grip on T-SQL. SQLServerCentral is also a goldmine. Check out the blogs and stairways; they are invaluable. On the T-SQL side of things you can't go wrong reading any article here by Jeff Moden, Dwain Camps, Paul White, Lynn Pettis or Chris Morris. Gail Shaw covers great topics about database administration such as dealing with indexes and log files as does Grant Fritchey. The best free learning out there.

    The best way to learn SQL Server is to do SQL Server. You are on the right track creating databases, doing backups, creating maintenance plans, etc.

    Our backgrounds are similar. My degree is in Business and, before being a DBA, I was working on servers. That experience will help you a great deal. E.g. learning VMs, understanding RAID, IP, SAN, etc...

    Though the GUI is not evil, I learned more about SQL by learning how to accomplish the task at hand using T-SQL. Basically everything you do in SQL can be scripted. Instead of creating a table, view, stored procedure using the GUI, learn how to do it by hand. I use the GUI when I got stuck - but always click the little script button that shows me how to script that specific task. That's my $0.02.

    The only other issue with the GUI is that it doesn't support the more complex queries that are developed, such as using CTE's, CROSS and OUTER APPLY, subqueries, derived tables, etc.

  • You can use the wizards to help you learn T-SQL: for example, create a backup using the GUI/wizard then click the Script button to get the T-SQL behind the command. You now have a working code example that you can dissect!

    In addition to the Stairway series here on SSC, check out Redgate's site for a whole bunch of free books[/url] that will help lots. Most are PDF, some are epub.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Your first priority should be to learn whatever tasks will help make you more useful in your current job, which you said is monitoring servers, and then expand outward. I'm not sure what all "monitoring servers" entails, but perhaps a good start would be the SSMS performance reports.

    Next, learn how to do common tasks like backups, maintenance plans, and jobs using the wizzards in SSMS. After understanding how it works, then you can move on to using the T-SQL commands to do the same.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Jason A. Long (5/30/2015)

    My default answer for that question, for the last few years, has been to start by picking up a copy on "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals" by Itzik Ben-Gan.


  • If someone suggested this previously, I missed it. But go ahead and spring for the Developer's Edition of SQL Server which has all the functionality of the Enterprise version. Last time I looked, Amazon would bring it to your door for about $50.

    It's nice of Microsoft to make the express edition available but it is like working with handcuffs.

  • jshahan (6/3/2015)

    If someone suggested this previously, I missed it. But go ahead and spring for the Developer's Edition of SQL Server which has all the functionality of the Enterprise version. Last time I looked, Amazon would bring it to your door for about $50.

    It's nice of Microsoft to make the express edition available but it is like working with handcuffs.


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