trying to insert data from one table to multiple tables row by row with derived columns. Somehow it's end up with infinite loop. and also throwing the message of

  • trying to insert data from one table to multiple tables row by row with derived columns. Somehow it's end up with infinite loop. and also throwing the message of

    (5727 row(s) affected)

    Msg 545, Level 16, State 1, Line 40

    Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'tbl_yacht_names' either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column.

    --DROP TABLE #temp

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.tbl_yacht_names OFF

    SELECT manual_yacht_id,yacht_name,yacht_type, yacht_hull_mat

    Into #Temp

    From [dbo].[tbl_yacht_manual_emp] WHERE yacht_name IS NOT NULL OR yacht_name=''

    --SELECT * FROM #temp

    Declare @Id INT,

    @yacht_id INT,

    @yacht_name_id int

    While (Select Count(*) From #Temp) > 0


    Select Top 1 @Id = manual_yacht_id From #Temp

    SELECT @yacht_name_id = MAX(yacht_name_id) FROM [dbo].[tbl_yacht_names];

    SELECT @yacht_id = MAX(yacht_id) FROM [dbo].[tbl_yacht_names];

    INSERT INTO [luxyachts].[dbo].[tbl_yachts] ([date_entered],[hull_number],[yacht_type],[hull_material],[superstructure_material],[hull_style],[keel_laid_on],[launch_date],[sales_date]

    ,[delivery_date],[yacht_valid],[yacht_use],[user_id]) SELECT GETDATE(),NULL,[yacht_type],NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL,NULL,0,1,NULL FROM #temp

    SELECT @Yacht_id = scope_identity();

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tbl_yacht_names] ([yacht_id],[yacht_name],[effective_from],[effective_through],[current_name]) SELECT TOP 1 (SELECT MAX(yacht_id) FROM [luxyachts].[dbo].[tbl_yachts]),[yacht_name],NULL,NULL,1 FROM #Temp ;

    SELECT @Yacht_id = scope_identity();

    Delete #Temp Where manual_yacht_id = @Id


  • First and foremost, you do NOT need a loop here. All the loop is doing is causing what could be a pretty fast process to go super slow.

    I am pretty sure that what you are trying to do is insert rows in tbl_yachts and tbl_yacht_names and you need to get the identity values from the first table. The way to handle this is by using the OUTPUT statement instead of looping like this. There are numerous challenges with the code you posted and switching this to using OUTPUT will make most of it go away.


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  • I know why do you get an infinite loop. I won't post the solution, because you would keep the loop and ignore Sean's advice.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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