Trying to input data into text box

  • I dont have any knowledge of XML, i have a limted knowledge of SQL. although my lack of knlowedge i have been spending last few day trying to get sql to input data into a xml template.

    what i need to do is input a postcode into ctrl id='txtPostcode' value='AB10 1GY'

    so where the postocde AB10 1GY is i want a postcode from the database to entered

    I spoke to a friend who knows some stuff about SQL and he told me to do a REPLACE function so sql did not get confused with ' in xml however i kept on getting a Syntax error

    i think this maybe a crazy idea however is there a statment in xml, which will allow sql to run inside the xml statment.

  • 🙂

    I am Not sure I understand the issue. are you pulling from the Database to populate a textbox in xml?

    Help me understand so I may help you.


    "We never plan to Fail, We just fail to plan":)

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