Trying to group sums by fiscal year

  • I hope you're still out there Lutz.... I'm looking at my results in detail and something's not quite right.

    I'm running just for one fund (field Grants.FundNumber) and one fiscal year (FY2010)

    Every few rows, it shows a VERY large number for FY2010 and I can't figure out why. I'm not sure if it's 'confused' & summing the data for all grant recipients?

  • Never mind, I think I got it. I removed 'sum' from the beginning of the case statement so it would give fiscal year totals for each recipient.

  • The solution presented works well only for the 2 specific fiscal years :

    SUM (CASE WHEN Grants.PayDate > = '20100701' AND Grants.PayDate < '20110701' THEN Grants.PaymentAmount ELSE 0 END) AS FY2011,

    SUM (CASE WHEN Grants.PayDate > = '20110701' AND Grants.PayDate < '20120701' THEN Grants.PaymentAmount ELSE 0 END) AS FY2012

    A more generic solution to handle fiscal years is :

    (1) extract the year and month (YYYY, MM) from the column PayDate

    (2) add 6 to MM (because your fiscal year ends in month 6)

    (3) if the above sum < 13, then the fiscal year-end is YYYY, else it is YYYY + 1.

    So, for example :

    if PayDate = 20110123, then (6 + 1) = 7, so fiscal year-end = 2011

    if PayDate = 20110923, then (6 + 9) = 15, so fiscal year-end = 2012

    As an extension of the above argument, if you need to deal with fiscal periods (ie, fiscal year and fiscal month), then :

    (4) if the above sum < 13, then the fiscal month is the sum, else it is the sum - 12.

    Thus, the 2 examples listed above would be :

    if PayDate = 20110123, then (6 + 1) = 7, so fiscal period = 201107

    if PayDate = 20110923, then (6 + 9) = 15, so fiscal period = 201203 (because 15 - 12 = 3).

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