Trying to get ride of a cursor

  • Hello SQLServerCentral gurus,

    I need to delete all sales for custid within specific date range. As of now I am using a cursor (bad think). I was thinking of using a while loop instead of the cursor, but not sure if this will be better. Here is my code:


    create table #delcust(custid varchar(6), mindate int, maxdate int)

    -- for every custid in load_sales_cust table, find the mun & max date.

    insert into #delcust(custid, mindate, maxdate)

    select custid, min(ddate), max(ddate) from load_sales_cust

    group by custid

    declare @custid varchar(6)

    declare @mindate int

    declare @maxdate int

    declare datecursor cursor for

    select custid, mindate, maxdate from ##delcust

    open datecursor

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    delete from dw_sales_cust

    where icustid = @custid

    and dtdate >=dbo.convertIntDateToDatetime(@mindate)

    and dtdate <= dbo.convertIntDateToDatetime(@maxdate) fetch next from datecursor into @custid, @mindate, @maxdate

    Does someone has a good idea to improve this code? I did some test and the while/loop is not that faster.


  • unless I'm missing something, you do not need to use an iteration to delete your target rows.

    simply use a join in the FROM clause in your delete statement.

    there are good examples here:


  • Thanks BOT,

    How can I join multiple columns form only 2 tables?

    Sorry for my stupid questions

  • If I understand your question you want to know how to join a table on 2 columns?

    let's do an example:


    column a

    column b


    column a

    column c

    delete table1

    from table1 t1 inner join table2 t2

    on t1.a=t2.a and t1.b = t2.c --<--here is where the magic is

    where t2.c = 100

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