trying to generate Generic reporting code from SQL

  • We are trying to do a bit of work in XML and XSLT and so reporting seems to be a good area to start with this as layout isn't particularly important, only the data.

    However using SQLXML to generate data in a format that allows for a very generic XSLT is proving to be quite painful and I just can't see that its worth it. Usually changing the ASP will probably be quicker for the type of generic presentation we'll have.

    I was thinking of trying to output like :

    However it seems to me that to do so requires for the number of columns that many unions and so the queries will become quite unmaintainable for large numbers of columns.

    The main reason I'm asking this question is that I just can't see that what I'm doing with SQLXML is the best way to do it... if it is I'm just forgetting about it alogether.

    Please could people who have tried this or otherwise, let me know another direction to take or perhaps other ways it can be done?


  • Hey,

    Is there supposted to be more?  I don't see any output, or anything that was supposed to lead into the question?


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