Trying to find long-running jobs from dm_exec_requests, dm_exec_sessions and sysjobhistory - what a pain!

  • I have been trying to come up with a script that detects long-running jobs (over a specified threshold) and sends out an email when that threshold is exceeded.

    Well, unless I am missing something (quite possible), this was quite painful to do.

    First, I discovered that querying sys.dm_exec_requests and sys.dm_exec_sessions was giving me only information on the current job step.

    For example, if a multi-step job is currently running step 15, the following query will give info on the start time of step 15 and the duration of step 15 only!






    sys.dm_exec_sessions s


    sys.dm_exec_requests r


    s.session_id = r.session_id


    s.[program_name] LIKE 'SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep %'

    I then had to query msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory and msdb.dbo.sysjobs to get at the total duration of steps completed so far in a currently executing job (

    Here is my (clumsy) attempt at this:

    DECLARE @completed AS TABLE


    job SYSNAME

    ,run_duration_hrs SMALLINT

    ,run_duration_min SMALLINT

    ,run_duration_sec SMALLINT

    ,run_duration INT


    INSERT INTO @completed









    ,run_duration_hrs = CASE WHEN LEN( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR) ) < 5 THEN 0

    WHEN LEN( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR) ) = 5 THEN LEFT ( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR), 1)

    ELSE LEFT ( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR), 2)


    ,run_duration_min = CASE WHEN LEN( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR) ) < 3 THEN 0

    WHEN LEN( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR) ) = 3 THEN LEFT ( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR), 1)

    WHEN LEN( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR) ) = 4 THEN LEFT ( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR), 2)

    ELSE LEFT (RIGHT ( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR), 4), 2)


    ,run_duration_sec = CASE WHEN LEN( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR) ) > 1 THEN RIGHT ( CAST(sjh.run_duration AS NVARCHAR), 2)

    ELSE sjh.run_duration




    msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sjh

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj


    sj.job_id = sjh.job_id


    sjh.instance_id >

    ( SELECT MAX(instance_id)

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sjh1

    WHERE sjh1.step_name = '(Job outcome)'

    AND sjh1.job_id = sjh.job_id )


    ,sjh.step_id ;



    ,SUM( (c.run_duration_hrs * 3600) + (c.run_duration_min * 60) + c.run_duration_sec ) * 1000 AS total_completed_steps_duration_ms

    FROM @completed c



    Finally I had to combine the results from the two outputs above to get the total duration of currently executing jobs.

    To make matters worse, the run_duration column in sysjobhistory is INT data type of format "HHMMSS", which explains the hoops I had to jump through in my 2nd script above.

    Anyone have a better way to get a list of currently executing jobs sorted by total duration?

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  • tricky, the problem with "long running" is define what is actually long running, it sort of means you've got to compare back to previous runs to decide if the current run is actually longer than "normal".

    I'm sure you can achieve what you want, I'll have a look. Idera Diagnostic Manager does this for me, although I usually end up turning the alert off as I have many jobs which run different times over a day.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • oh yes the "times" - back in sql 2000 I wrote some functions which convert the times into something usable.

    USE [msdb]


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[fn_Int2Duration]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))

    DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_Int2Duration]


    USE [msdb]






    CREATE function [dbo].[fn_Int2Duration] (@p1 integer)

    -- =============================================================

    -- Function: fn_Int2Duration

    -- Written by: (c) Colin Leversuch-Roberts



    -- Purpose: to convert the ms int time storage in sysjobhistory into something readable


    -- System:DBA maintenance


    -- Input Paramters: @p1 integer ( see notes )


    -- Returns : integer( see notes )


    -- Usage: select dbo.fn_Int2Duration(@p1)


    -- Notes:function to convert the ms int time storage into something readable

    -- this is for the duration of jobs and returns the result in minutes

    -- Seconds are rounded and where the time is less than 30 secs 1 min is returned.

    --Duration is stored as hhmmss in an integer e.g. 1 hour = 10000, 1 min 45 sec= 145



    -- Version NoDateDescription

    -- 104-November-2000Initial Release


    -- =============================================================

    returns int



    declare @ctime varchar(6),@len tinyint,@finaltime int

    set @ctime=convert(varchar(6),@p1)

    set @len=len(@ctime)

    IF @len=1

    set @finaltime=1-- less than 10 secs return 1 minute

    IF @len=2

    set @finaltime=1-- less than 60 secs return 1 minute

    IF @len=3

    set @finaltime=convert(tinyint,left(@ctime,1))+ convert(tinyint,round(convert(float,right(@ctime,2)/60.0),0))

    IF @len=4

    set @finaltime=convert(tinyint,left(@ctime,2))+ convert(tinyint,round(convert(float,right(@ctime,2)/60.0),0))

    IF @len=5

    set @finaltime=convert(int,left(@ctime,1))*60+convert(tinyint,substring(@ctime,2,2))+ convert(tinyint,round(convert(float,right(@ctime,2)/60.0),0))

    IF @len=6

    set @finaltime=convert(int,left(@ctime,1))*60+convert(tinyint,substring(@ctime,3,2))+ convert(tinyint,round(convert(float,right(@ctime,2)/60.0),0))

    return(@finaltime) -- minutes



    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • colin.Leversuch-Roberts (8/31/2011)

    oh yes the "times" - back in sql 2000 I wrote some functions which convert the times into something usable.

    Thanks for sharing. By threshold I mean a certain time length, beyond which an alert would be sent. In my case that is 5 hrs.

    I was certainly surprised by how tricky it was to get the overall time a job is currently running.

    I was expecting to be able to get that from one place, not two.

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  • yup working with msdb is a bit of a black art at times. Can't think the number of times I've thought " why on earth did they do that?" I suspect msdb has had the least changes since sql 6.x or maybe before.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Hi,

    I developed the following SP to stop long running jobs and I am using it for a while with no issues:


    --Procedure to Stop Long running jobs

    --Usage: exec dbo.usp_stop_long_running_jobs 2, '[0-9]%', ''

    --Developed by Anatoliy Martirosian 16.08.2010

    --v2 notification added


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_stop_long_running_jobs]

    @timeout int = 2 --timeout in hours

    ,@filter nvarchar(80) = '[0-9]%' --job filter

    ,@notify nvarchar(400) = ''



    declare @Job nvarchar(1024), @sql nvarchar(2000), @sbj nvarchar(80)

    create table ##job_activity (

    session_id int,

    job_id uniqueidentifier,

    job_name sysname, --nvarchar(1024),

    run_requested_Date datetime,

    run_requested_source int,

    queued_date datetime,

    start_execution_date datetime,

    last_executed_step_id int,

    last_exectuted_step_date datetime,

    stop_execution_date datetime,

    next_scheduled_run_date datetime,

    job_history_id int,

    [message] nvarchar(1024),

    run_status int,

    operator_id_emailed int,

    operator_id_netsent int,

    operator_id_paged int


    insert into ##job_activity

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobactivity

    if exists (

    select 1 from ##job_activity

    where start_execution_date is not Null and stop_execution_date is Null

    and datediff(hour, start_execution_date, getdate()) > @timeout

    and job_name like @filter



    --print 'There are Long running jobs'

    declare Job_Cursor cursor for

    select job_name from ##job_activity

    where start_execution_date is not Null and stop_execution_date is Null

    and datediff(hour, start_execution_date, getdate()) > @timeout

    and job_name like @filter

    open Job_Cursor

    fetch next from Job_Cursor into @Job

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    set @sql = 'exec msdb.dbo.sp_stop_job N''' + @Job + ''''

    -- print @sql

    exec (@sql)

    fetch next from Job_Cursor into @Job


    close Job_Cursor

    deallocate Job_Cursor

    set @sql = 'select job_name from ##job_activity

    where start_execution_date is not Null and stop_execution_date is Null

    and datediff(hour, start_execution_date, getdate()) > ' + cast(@timeout as varchar(8)) +

    ' and job_name like ''' + @filter + ''''

    set @sbj = 'The following Long running jobs have been stopped on ' + @@SERVERNAME

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @notify

    ,@subject = @sbj

    ,@query = @sql


    drop table ##job_activity


  • marat-oz (9/1/2011)


    I developed the following SP to stop long running jobs and I am using it for a while with no issues:


    Thanks for sharing; I tried it and, indeed, your script works well.

    In my case I wanted to also get information on currently executing requests (SQL statement and batch running, query plan etc.), hence the need to query the dm_exec_xxx DMVs.

    BTW, there seems to be a bug in sp_help_jobactivity ;

    the following command returns the same value of session_id for all sessions:

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobactivity

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  • Here is my code for this (attached).

    Run script "CurrentlyRunningJobs_GetTotalDurationCompletedSteps.sql.txt" in a DBA-owned database on the instance in question, say UTILDB, to create stored procedure [CurrentlyRunningJobs_GetTotalDurationCompletedSteps].

    Then run script "CurrentlyRunningJobs.sql.txt" to get the currently-running jobs (and job steps) sorted by total elapsed time and showing the currently executed SQL batch and SQL statements.

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