trying to delete duplicate rows in a table

  • im trying to delete duplicate rows in a table. im deleteing them where the description is the same. is this possible in one little statement or is an sproc with variables needed. i know i can do it with variables and maby a cursor, but can it be done with a co-related sub query and could someone show me how

  • When the system finds a 'duplicate', what logic should be used to determine which of them to delete?

  • Assuming that you want to preserve the first entry when duplicates are encountered, you can do something like this:

    set nocount on


    declare @table table (rowid int identity(1,1), DESC_COL varchar(20))

    insert into @table values ('abc')

    insert into @table values ('abc')

    insert into @table values ('xyz')

    insert into @table values ('xyz')

    insert into @table values ('tab')

    --before the delete

    select * from @table

    rowid       DESC_COL            

    ----------- --------------------

    1           abc

    2           abc

    3           xyz

    4           xyz

    5           tab

    delete x

    from @table x, @table y

    where x.DESC_COL = y.DESC_COL

    and x.rowid > y.rowid

    --after the delete

    select * from @table

    rowid       DESC_COL            

    ----------- --------------------

    1           abc

    3           xyz

    5           tab

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