Trying to Debug a Bug in the Debugger

  • In Query Analyzer, I right-click on a stored proc to bring up a menu, and select Debug... at the bottom to bring up the debugger. I have two parameters, one of which I give a value, and the other I set to NULL with a check box. I get the error message:

    "The debugger interface is not installed. Please re-run setup, select 'add components to your existing installation' and make. sure you select 'Development tools'\'Debugging Interface'"

    I don't know why I have to do this, because I've used the debugger before. But I try anyway. The Debugging interface is already checked, as is everything else.

    I'm stumped.

    Environment: Windows XP Professional, SQL Server v.8.00.760 (which should be SP3)

    Steve Miller

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Apparently I was using SP3. I uninstalled/reinstalled SQL Server, and installed SP3a. That appears to have fixed it.

    Only took a day and a half.

    Steve Miller

  • I thought it was fixed. I tried to use it today, and it's broken. Too bad there's not a smiley for ripping hair out.


    Steve Miller

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