April 21, 2004 at 10:45 am
I have been on a 3-year hiatus from SQL and I'm just coming back to it, trying to refresh my memory. I have a basic querying problem with two tables I have as follows:
Table1: date1, identifier1, data1
Table2: date2, identifier2, data2
The identifiers from these tables match exactly, which is perfect for my inner join. However, the dates do not. I would like to return all data from Table1 for which date1 falls in between successive dates of date2 for a given identifier.
I know I have to use a nested query for this, but I don't know how to go about doing it. Can anybody write back with how one would structure such a subquery?
Any help much appreciated!
April 21, 2004 at 1:23 pm
maybe this is a start ...
select t1.date1, identifier1, data1
from table1 t1
where t1.date1 between (select min(date2)
from table2 t2min
where t2min.identifier2 = t1.identifier1
and t2min.date2 > t1.date1)
and (select max(date2)
from table2 t2max
where t2max.identifier2 = t1.identifier1
and t2max.date2 < t1.date1)
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