• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (2/18/2016)

    BWFC (2/18/2016)

    To be pedantic, it depends on what edition you run the code. I know that the unwritten rule is assume the latest version but many people testing that, like I did, will get the wrong answer.

    Still, I've got my point back by complaining about it 😎

    No points back. It doesn't depend on edition, or it shouldn't. It does depend on version. This is a 2012+ T-SQL construct.

    Version was the word I was looking for!

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  • Also, I would like to know how many people would have selected NULL if that had been an option.

    I would have selected that. I was actually going to comment that when I saw the question I was going to answer Null. On finding that wasn't an option, "2" seemed the only answer that made sense.

  • That was a good question, learned somthing new, thanx.

    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Hany Helmy
    SQL Server Database Consultant

  • Thanks for the question.

  • Nice question, thanks.

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