• Which version does this code work on?

  • BWFC (2/18/2016)

    To be pedantic, it depends on what edition you run the code. I know that the unwritten rule is assume the latest version but many people testing that, like I did, will get the wrong answer.

    Oh, this.

    Tried first on SQL2008R2, got an error. But not the error I was expecting. So tried on a SQL2014, and got the answer that was expected.

    And now I've got an extra point. ;-):-P

    Thomas Rushton

  • I tried on SQL 2014 but still got the 🙁

  • g.maxfield (2/18/2016)

    I tried on SQL 2014 but still got the 🙁

    Are you sure the instance you're connected to is 2012+? I know you said you're using SSMS 2014, but you could still be connected to a pre-2012 instance.

    In the same query window where you get the error for the QotD query, what does SELECT @@VERSION return?

    Also, since it might be a 2012+ instance, but with the query run in a database with a pre-2012 compatibility level, what does this return?

    SELECT compatibility_level

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE database_id=DB_ID();


  • I took the error answer since it could have been either that one or '2' depending on which version of SQL server you are running on. When there are two right answers, what else can a guy do? 🙂

  • SSCommitted


    Group: General Forum Members

    Last Login: Today @ 2:04:58 PM

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    It appears I have SQL Server 12.0.2000 (top of the instance). SMS Showing SQL Server 2014 on the opening screen. Could be the older version - I'll need to upgrade. Thanks g:cool:

  • SS Committed

    SELECT compatibility_level

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE database_id=DB_ID();

    Your code resulted in compatibility_level 100! :unsure:

  • g.maxfield (2/18/2016)

    SS Committed

    SELECT compatibility_level

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE database_id=DB_ID();

    Your code resulted in compatibility_level 100! :unsure:

    Then that's the issue. Even on a 2012 or higher instance, the compatibility level of the database in which the code was being run would also have to be for 2012 or higher (110+) for the code to work.


  • Hugo Kornelis (2/18/2016)

    Carlo Romagnano (2/18/2016)

    That's easy!

    But, try to answer this:

    "What's the resut?"



    The correct answer to this question is "it depends".

    Now my question to you is if you can figure out what it depends on.

    (And no, I am not referring to the version of SQL Server)

    Would it be based on regional configuration of the date format? (providing you supplied the date in the accepted format as pointed out earlier i the thread)

  • Thanks SSC. Now I've learnt something new! Cheers:-D

  • Anyone can point to the reason why first is converted while second one fail?

    SELECT TRY_CONVERT(DATE,'2016/10/05')


    SELECT TRY_CONVERT(DATE,'12/31/2010')


  • BWFC (2/18/2016)

    To be pedantic, it depends on what edition you run the code. I know that the unwritten rule is assume the latest version but many people testing that, like I did, will get the wrong answer.

    Still, I've got my point back by complaining about it 😎

    No points back. It doesn't depend on edition, or it shouldn't. It does depend on version. This is a 2012+ T-SQL construct.

  • kumar1pr (2/18/2016)

    Anyone can point to the reason why first is converted while second one fail?

    SELECT TRY_CONVERT(DATE,'2016/10/05')


    SELECT TRY_CONVERT(DATE,'12/31/2010')


    Because the first has a format that isn't misleading, while the second does. 😎

    That's why I prefer to work with ISO 8601 formats

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I got an error.

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1

    'VARCHAR' is not a recognized built-in function name.

  • Hugo Kornelis (2/18/2016)

    I *almost* gave the answer that would have been correct for SELECT TRY_CONVERT(VARCHAR(1), 234523). Almost.

    Also, I would like to know how many people would have selected NULL if that had been an option.

    I have to admit I would have been one of those people.

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