Try the SQL Parser Object to Colorize your SQL!

  • Here is a program I previously wrote would could be adapted to use this SQLParser

    It's in two parts, the first part I called DocumentScripts.asp which reads the output from SQL Create Scripts, which are in a subdirectory named /SQLScripts/. It will extract the /* comments */ from the scripts and use them as a summary to describe the file, and make a link to the file itself.

    The second part, ShowScripts.aps will read the SQL file, format it to your web style and present it colorized. Both of these would benefit from the SQLParser.



    <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>



    ' Name: DocumentScripts.asp


    ' Purpose: Uses File System Object to read all files on the server

    'in the SQLScripts subdirectory of the web site, to

    'extract the script name, parameter information,

    'dependancy information and all "/* ... */" comment

    'blocks from the PRC, JOB, VIW, TRG, and TAB files

    'into a dynamic web page and then to present it to the

    'client in the desired format, simplifying the documentation

    'process when dealing with SQL Scripts which may be output

    'enmass from MSSQL Server to the SQLScripts Subdirectory.

    'MSSQL 7.0 and below do not allow for the commenting of

    'table scripts, so Descriptions and commentary to be added

    'to the .TAB files must be added manually, and care must

    'be taken to prevent overwriting such manual documentation.


    Option Explicit

    'On Error Resume Next

    Response.Buffer = true

    Server.ScriptTimeout = 900




    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sat_style.css">

    <SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>


    function window_onload() {

    document.all.item("MyPageHeaderBar").innerHTML = "<Font color=white FACE=HELVETICA><strong>  Technical Details SQL Documentation </strong></font>"


    function makedisplay( strName )


    var l = "l" + strName

    var m = "m" + strName

    if (document.all.item(m).style.display == "none")


    document.all.item(m).style.display = "block";

    document.all.item(l).innerHTML = "<font size=1>click to hide</font>";




    document.all.item(m).style.display = "none";

    document.all.item(l).innerHTML = "<font size=1>click for Parameter & Dependancy Information</font>";






    <body class="bgGrey" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" LANGUAGE=javascript onload="return window_onload()" link="darkblue" vlink="#000000">

    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblFooter">

    <tr valign="top">


    <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblLinks">

    <tr class="bgGrey">


    <a href="" class="mediumBlue">Put your links here</a> |

    <a href="" class="mediumBlue">Put your links here</a>



    <div align="right">

    <span class="mediumGreyBold">

    Technical Support:


    <span class="mediumGrey">

    Phone Number or email









    <table class="bgGrey" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblLogoBar">

    <tr valign="top">


    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="tblLogo">

    <tr valign="top">

    <td width="10%">

    <img height="70" alt="LOGO" src="../images/Logo.gif" width="100" border="0" >





    <td align="right" valign="bottom">





    <table class="bgDarkGrey" height="20" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblHeader">

    <!-- Header Image -->


    <td class="bgDarkGrey" height="20" width="100%" align="left" valign="center" id=MyPageHeaderBar Name=MyPageHeaderBar>

    <Font color="white" FACE="HELVETICA">

    <strong>  Page Heading</strong>





    <table class="bgDarkGrey" height="20" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblHeaderRI">

    <tr class="bgGrey">

    <td height="20" width="100%" align="left" valign="center">

    <font class="mediumGreyBold"><font size="4"><b> </b></font></font><br>






    Sub Main

    DIM fso

    DIM fsoFolder

    DIM fsoFiles

    DIM fsoFile

    DIM strPath

    DIM path

    DIM trgPath

    DIM tabPath

    DIM jobPath

    DIM viewPath

    DIM badPath

    DIM file

    DIM line

    DIM tmpLine


    DIM comments

    DIM s

    DIM d

    DIM k

    DIM l

    DIM t

    DIM p

    DIM intStart

    DIM intEnd

    DIM strParameters

    DIM strDependancies

    DIM strDependancy

    DIM strValidExtensions

    DIM strDescriptions

    strValidExtensions = "PRC,TRG,TAB,JOB,VIW"

    strDescriptions = "Stored Procedures,Table Triggers,Tables,Jobs,Views"

    DIM arrValidExtensions

    DIM arrDescriptions

    DIM strName

    DIM strExtension

    DIM Trash

    arrValidExtensions = split( strValidExtensions , "," , -1 , 1 )

    arrDescriptions = split( strDescriptions , "," , -1 , 1 )

    Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    badpath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\BADPATH.TXT"

    set fsoFolder = fso.GetFolder(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\")

    set fsoFiles = fsoFolder.Files

    s = "<ul>"

    d = ""

    for each fsoFile in fsoFiles

    for each k in arrValidExtensions

    Comment = 0

    strExtension = right(fsoFile.Name,3)

    if strExtension = k then

    strName = fsoFile.Name

    strName = right(strName , len(strName) - 4)

    strName = left (strName , len(strName) - 4)

    '<a http="#sp_CalcPopulation">sp_CalcPopulation</a>sp_CalcPopulation

    s = s & "<li><a href=" & chr(34) & "#" & strName & chr(34) & ">" & strName & "</a>" & chr(13) & chr(10)

    end if



    s = s & "</ul>"

    Response.Write s


    for each fsoFile in fsoFiles

    for each k in arrValidExtensions

    d = ""

    Comment = 0

    strExtension = right(fsoFile.Name,3)

    if strExtension = k then

    strName = fsoFile.Name

    strName = right(strName , len(strName) - 4)

    strName = left (strName , len(strName) - 4)

    '<h3><a name="#sp_getAllProducts"></a><a href="ShowScripts.asp?ScriptName=sp_getAllProducts">sp_getAllProducts</a></h3>

    d = d & "<hr><h3><a name=" & chr(34) & "#" & strName & chr(34) & "></a><a href=" & chr(34) & "ShowScripts.asp?ScriptName=" & strName & chr(34) & ">" & strName & "</a></h3>" & chr(13) & chr(10)

    strPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\" & fsoFile.Name

    if fso.FileExists( strPath ) then

    ' open the file</FONT>

    set file = fso.opentextfile( strPath , 1 ) 'ForReading

    t = ""


    'Given @Start_IP, this procedure will determine which master record @Start_IP is

    'a subnet of, and will calculate the population of the master record and update it.


    do until file.AtEndOfStream

    line = trim( file.ReadLine )

    if InStr(line, "--") then

    t = t & " " & trim(left(line,InStr(line , "--") - 1))


    t = t & " " & trim(line)

    end if

    'Identify an Extended Comment

    if Instr( line , "/*" ) then

    Comment = 1

    end if

    'Close an Extended Comment

    if Instr( line , "*/" ) and Comment = 1 then

    Comment = 0

    end if

    if Comment = 1 then

    line = trim(replace(replace(line,"/*",""),"*/",""))

    d = d & "<font size = 1>" & line & "</font>" & chr(13) & chr(10)

    end if


    while InStr ( t , chr(9))

    t = replace ( t , chr(9) , " " )


    while InStr ( t , " " )

    t = replace ( t , " " , " " )



    '@Start_IP binary(5) = NULL


    strParameters = "None"

    if k = "PRC" then

    p = t

    intStart = InStr( UCase(p) , "CREATE PROCEDURE")

    'trash = mid ( p , intStart, 500)

    intStart = intStart + 17 + len(strName) + 1

    p = " " & mid ( p , intStart)

    intEnd = InStr ( ucase(p) , " AS ")

    strParameters = trim ( left ( p , intEnd ) )

    if strParameters = "" then

    strParameters = "None"

    end if

    if left ( strParameters , 1 ) = "(" then

    strParameters = mid ( trim (strParameters) , 2 , len(trim (strParameters)) - 2 )

    end if

    strParameters = replace(strParameters,",",", <br>")

    strParameters = colorize(UCase(strParameters))

    p = ""

    end if

    strDependancies = "None"



    if k <> "TAB" then

    p = UCase(t)

    strDependancies = ""

    while InStr(p," EXEC") or InStr(p," EXECUTE")

    'find the first " EXEC" or " EXECUTE"

    intStart = InStr( p , " EXEC")

    'advance to the beginning of the next word

    intStart = InStr( intStart + 5 , p , " " ) + 1

    'find the end of it

    intEnd = InStr( intStart + 1 , p , " " )

    'put that word in strDependancy

    strDependancy = mid ( p , intStart , intEnd - intStart )

    'if it's a function return call variable

    if InStr(strDependancy , "@") then

    'then find the "="

    intStart = InStr ( intStart , p , "=" ) + 1

    'trim everything before the "= " including the "= "

    p = trim ( mid ( p , intStart , len(p) ) )

    'now get end of the procedure name

    intEnd = inStr ( p , " " )

    'and put the proc name into strDependancy

    strDependancy = trim ( mid ( p , 1 , intEnd ) )

    end if

    'if the proc name is not already in the dependancy list

    if InStr ( strDependancies , strDependancy ) then


    'add it to the dependancy list

    strDependancies = strDependancies & "<br>" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "<font size=1>" & strDependancy & "</font>"

    end if

    'trim off this proc name from the beginning

    p = mid ( p , intEnd + 1 , len(p) )

    p = ""

    'and find the next


    p = UCase(t)

    while InStr(p," FROM")

    intStart = InStr( p , " FROM")

    intStart = InStr( intStart + 5 , p , " " ) + 1

    intEnd = InStr( intStart + 1 , p , " " )

    strDependancy = mid ( p , intStart , intEnd - intStart )

    if InStr ( strDependancies , strDependancy ) then


    strDependancies = strDependancies & "<br>" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "<font size=1>" & strDependancy & "</font>"

    end if

    p = mid ( p , intEnd + 1 , len(p) )

    p = ""


    p = UCase(t)

    while InStr(p," INTO")

    intStart = InStr( p , " INTO")

    intStart = InStr( intStart + 5 , p , " " ) + 1

    intEnd = InStr( intStart + 1 , p , " " )

    strDependancy = mid ( p , intStart , intEnd - intStart )

    if InStr ( strDependancy , "@" ) then


    if InStr ( strDependancies , strDependancy ) then


    strDependancies = strDependancies & "<br>" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "<font size=1>" & strDependancy & "</font>"

    end if

    end if

    p = mid ( p , intEnd + 1 , len(p) )

    p = ""


    p = UCase(t)

    while InStr(p," UPDATE")

    intStart = InStr( p , " UPDATE")

    intStart = InStr( intStart + 7 , p , " " ) + 1

    intEnd = InStr( intStart + 1 , p , " " )

    strDependancy = mid ( p , intStart , intEnd - intStart )

    if InStr ( strDependancies , strDependancy ) then


    strDependancies = strDependancies & "<br>" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "<font size=1>" & strDependancy & "</font>"

    end if

    p = mid ( p , intEnd + 1 , len(p) )

    p = ""


    strDependancies = strDependancies & "<br>"

    t = ""

    end if

    if trim (strDependancies) = "" then

    strDependancies = "<font size=1>None</font>"

    end if

    d = d & "<br>"

    d = d & "<span STYLE=" & chr(34) & "cursor:hand;color:mediumblue" & chr(34)

    d = d & " id=" & chr(34) & "l" & trim(strName) & chr(34)

    d = d & " onclick=" & chr(34) & "makedisplay(" & chr(39) & trim(strName) & chr(39) & ")" & chr(34)

    d = d &" onmouseover=" & chr(34) & "'#B6D5AA'" & chr(34)

    d = d &" onmouseout=" & chr(34) & "'mediumblue'" & chr(34)

    d = d & ">"

    d = d & "<font size = " & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & ">click for Parameter & Dependancy Information</font>"

    d = d & "</span>"

    d = d & "<span style=" & chr(34) & "display:none" & chr(34)

    d = d & " id=" & chr(34) & "m" & trim(strName) & chr(34) & ">"

    d = d & "<p><font size = " & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & ">"

    d = d & "<b>Parameters: </b></font>"

    d = d & "<font size = " & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & ">"

    d = d & strParameters & "</font><br>" & chr(13) & chr(10)

    d = d & "<p><font size = " & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & ">"

    d = d & "<b>Dependancies:</b></font>"

    d = d & "<font size = " & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & ">"

    d = d & strDependancies & "</font>" & chr(13) & chr(10)

    d = d & "</span>"

    ' close and clean up


    set file = nothing

    d = d & chr(13) & chr(10) & "<p>" & chr(13) & chr(10)

    Response.Write d


    end if

    end if



    set fso = nothing

    End Sub 'Main


    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblFooter">


    <td width="100%" valign="top" align="left" height="50">




    <td width="100%" valign="top" align="left" height="4" class="bgDarkGrey">



    <tr valign="top">


    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblFooter">

    <tr valign="top">


    <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblLinks">

    <tr class="bgGrey">


    <a href="" class="mediumBlue">Put your links here</a> |

    <a href="" class="mediumBlue">Put your links here</a>



    <div align="right">

    <span class="mediumGreyBold">

    Technical Support:


    <span class="mediumGrey">

    Phone Number or email















    function colorize(line)

    dim comments

    if Instr(line , "--" ) > 0 then

    comments = "<font color=darkgreen>" & + right( line , len (line ) - Instr(line , "--" ) + 1 ) & "</font>"

    line = left (line , Instr(line , "--" ) - 1 )


    comments = ""

    end if

    'line = replace ( line , "--" , "<font color=darkgreen>--" ) & "</font>"

    line = replace ( line , "<" , "<font color=gray><</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , ">" , "<font color=gray>></font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " EXISTS " , " <font color=gray>EXISTS</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "AND " , CHR(9) & "<font color=gray>AND</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " AND " , " <font color=gray>AND</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " NOT " , " <font color=gray>NOT</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "AND " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "AND " , "<font color=gray>AND</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "OR " , CHR(9) & "<font color=gray>OR</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " OR " , " <font color=gray>OR</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "OR " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "OR " , "<font color=gray>OR</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "@@FETCH_STATUS" , "<font color=magenta>@@FETCH_STATUS</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISNULL" , "<font color=magenta>ISNULL</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DELETED" , "<font color=magenta>DELETED</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "REPLACE" , "<font color=magenta>REPLACE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DATEPART" , "<font color=magenta>DATEPART</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "SUBSTRING" , "<font color=magenta>SUBSTRING</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " LEN" , " <font color=magenta>LEN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "GETDATE" , "<font color=magenta>GETDATE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "INSERTED" , "<font color=magenta>INSERTED</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NULL)" , "<font color=gray>NULL</font>)" )

    line = replace ( line , "NULL " , "<font color=gray>NULL</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " NULL" , " <font color=gray>NULL</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "(" , "<font color=gray>(</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , ")" , "<font color=gray>)</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "ELSE", CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>ELSE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "ELSE " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ELSE " , " <font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "ELSE " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ELSE " , "<font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "DROP PROCEDURE " , "<font color=blue>DROP PROCEDURE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " IF " , " <font color=blue>IF</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "IF " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>IF</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "IF " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "IF " , "<font color=blue>IF</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "VALUES " , "<font color=blue>VALUES</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "CAST " , "<font color=blue>CAST</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "INSERT " , "<font color=blue>INSERT</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "DELETE " , "<font color=blue>DELETE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "UPDATE " , "<font color=blue>UPDATE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "SELECT" , "<font color=blue>SELECT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "GOTO" , "<font color=blue>GOTO</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "SELECT" , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>SELECT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "LIKE" , "<font color=blue>LIKE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "WHERE" , "<font color=blue>WHERE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " ORDER " , " <font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "ORDER " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "RETURN" , "<font color=blue>RETURN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ENDSAVE" , "<font color=blue>ENDSAVE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , chr(9) & "END" , chr(9) & "<font color=blue>END</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "END " , "<font color=blue>END</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "BEGIN" , "<font color=blue>BEGIN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "OPEN" , "<font color=blue>OPEN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DEALLOCATE" , "<font color=blue>DEALLOCATE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "CLOSE" , "<font color=blue>CLOSE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "INTO" , "<font color=blue>INTO</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "FETCH " , "<font color=blue>FETCH</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "NEXT" , "<font color=blue>NEXT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "FROM" , "<font color=blue>FROM</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "COMMIT" , "<font color=blue>COMMIT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "TRANSACTION" , "<font color=blue>TRANSACTION</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "QUITWITHROLLBACK" , "<font color=blue>QUITWITHROLLBACK</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ROLLBACK" , "<font color=blue>ROLLBACK</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "WITH " , "<font color=blue>WITH</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "WHILE" , "<font color=blue>WHILE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NOLOCK" , "<font color=blue>NOLOCK</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " IS " , " <font color=blue>IS</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " IN " , " <font color=blue>IN</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "EXEC " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>EXEC</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " EXEC " , " <font color=blue>EXEC</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "EXECUTE " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>EXECUTE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "EXECUTE " , "<font color=blue>EXECUTE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "SET " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>SET</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " SET " , " <font color=blue>SET</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "SET " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "SET " , "<font color=blue>SET</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "QUOTED_IDENTIFIER" , "<font color=blue>QUOTED_IDENTIFIER</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ANSI_NULLS" , "<font color=blue>ANSI_NULLS</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " OFF " , " <font color=blue>OFF</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ON " , " <font color=blue>ON</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ON" & CHR(13) , " <font color=blue>ON</font>" & CHR(13) )

    line = replace ( line , " ON" & CHR(10) , " <font color=blue>ON</font>" & CHR(10) )

    line = replace ( line , " ON" & CHR(9) , " <font color=blue>ON</font>" & CHR(9) )

    if Instr( line , "ON " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ON " , "<font color=blue>ON</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " AS " , " <font color=blue>AS</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "AS " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "AS " , "<font color=blue>AS</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " ELSE " , " <font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "ELSE " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ELSE " , "<font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " ORDER " , " <font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "ORDER " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ORDER " , "<font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " BY " , " <font color=blue>BY</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "BY " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "BY " , "<font color=blue>BY</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " ID " , " <font color=blue>ID</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ID," , " <font color=blue>ID</font>," )

    line = replace ( line , "CHARINDEX" , "<font color=magenta>CHARINDEX</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " CHAR" , " <font color=blue>CHAR</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "VARCHAR" , "<font color=blue>VARCHAR</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DECLARE" , "<font color=blue>DECLARE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " BIT" , " <font color=blue>BIT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " INT" , " <font color=blue>INT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " SMALLINT" , " <font color=blue>SMALLINT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " BINARY" , " <font color=blue>BINARY</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DATETIME" , "<font color=blue>DATETIME</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ASCII" , "<font color=blue>ASCII</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NOCOUNT ON" , "<font color=blue>NOCOUNT ON</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NOCOUNT" , "<font color=blue>NOCOUNT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "CREATE PROCEDURE " , "<font color=blue>CREATE PROCEDURE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "(N'" , "(N<font color=RED>'" )

    line = replace ( line , "')" , "'</FONT>)" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISPROCEDURE" , "<font color=red>ISPROCEDURE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISTABLE" , "<font color=red>ISTABLE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISTRIGGER" , "<font color=red>ISTRIGGER</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISINDEX" , "<font color=red>ISINDEX</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "SYSOBJECTS" , "<font color=green>SYSOBJECTS</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "COALESCE" , "<font color=magenta>COALESCE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "LTRIM" , "<font color=magenta>LTRIM</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "RTRIM" , "<font color=magenta>RTRIM</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "CHARINDEX" , "<font color=magenta>CHARINDEX</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "OBJECT_ID" , "<font color=magenta>OBJECT_ID</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "OBJECTPROPERTY" , "<font color=magenta>OBJECTPROPERTY</font>" )

    line = line & " " & comments

    comments = ""

    colorize = line

    'Response.Write("CL:" & line)

    end function






    <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>



    ' Name: ShowScripts.asp


    ' Purpose: Uses File System Object to read a file on the server and

    'then to present it to the client in the desired format.


    Option Explicit

    'On Error Resume Next

    Response.Buffer = true


    Sub Main

    DIM fso

    DIM path

    DIM trgPath

    DIM tabPath

    DIM jobPath

    DIM viewPath

    DIM badPath

    DIM file

    DIM line

    DIM tmpLine

    DIM AString

    DIM InAString


    DIM comments

    ' create the fso object

    Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    path = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\dbo." & Request.QueryString("ScriptName") & ".PRC"

    trgPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\dbo." & Request.QueryString("ScriptName") & ".TRG"

    tabPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\dbo." & Request.QueryString("ScriptName") & ".TAB"

    jobPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\dbo." & Request.QueryString("ScriptName") & ".JOB"

    viewPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\dbo." & Request.QueryString("ScriptName") & ".VIW"

    badpath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "SQLscripts\BADPATH.TXT"

    ' open the file</FONT>

    if fso.FileExists(path) then

    set file = fso.opentextfile(path , 1 ) 'ForReading


    if fso.FileExists(trgPath) then

    set file = fso.OpenTextFile(trgPath , 1 )


    if fso.FileExists(tabpath) then

    set file = fso.OpenTextFile(tabpath , 1 )


    if fso.FileExists(jobpath) then

    set file = fso.OpenTextFile(jobpath , 1 )


    if fso.FileExists(viewPath) then

    set file = fso.OpenTextFile(viewPath , 1 )


    'we have an invalid file

    set file = fso.OpenTextFile (badpath , 1 )

    end if

    end if

    end if

    end if

    end if




    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sat_style.css">

    <SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>


    function window_onload() {

    document.all.item("MyPageHeaderBar").innerHTML = "<Font color=white FACE=HELVETICA><strong>  IP Administrator - Technical Details of <%=Request.QueryString("ScriptName")%> </strong></font>"





    <body class="bgGrey" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" LANGUAGE=javascript onload="return window_onload()" link="darkblue" vlink="#000000">

    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblFooter">

    <tr valign="top">


    <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblLinks">

    <tr class="bgGrey">


    <a href="" class="mediumBlue">Put your links here</a> |

    <a href="" class="mediumBlue">Put your links here</a>



    <div align="right">

    <span class="mediumGreyBold">

    Technical Support:


    <span class="mediumGrey">

    Phone Number or email









    <table class="bgGrey" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblLogoBar">

    <tr valign="top">


    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="tblLogo">

    <tr valign="top">

    <td width="10%">

    <img height="70" alt="LOGO" src="../images/Logo.gif" width="100" border="0" >





    <td align="right" valign="bottom">





    <table class="bgDarkGrey" height="20" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblHeader">

    <!-- Header Image -->


    <td class="bgDarkGrey" height="20" width="100%" align="left" valign="center" id=MyPageHeaderBar Name=MyPageHeaderBar>

    <Font color="white" FACE="HELVETICA">

    <strong>  Page Heading</strong>





    <table class="bgDarkGrey" height="20" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="tblHeaderReleasedIPs">

    <tr class="bgGrey">

    <td height="20" width="100%" align="left" valign="center">

    <font class="mediumGreyBold"><font size="4"><b> </b></font></font><br>







    Comment = 0

    InAString = 0

    do until file.AtEndOfStream

    AString = 0

    line = UCase( file.ReadLine )

    line = normalize (line)

    'Identify an Extended Comment

    if Instr( line , "/*" ) and InAString = 0 then

    line = colorize (left(line, Instr(line , "/*") - 1)) _

    & "<font color=darkgreen>/*" _

    & right ( line , len ( line ) - Instr(line , "/*" ) -1 )

    Comment = 1

    end if

    'Close an Extended Comment

    if Instr( line , "*/" ) and Comment = 1 and InAString = 0 then

    line = replace ( line , "*/" , "*/</font>" )

    Comment = 0

    end if

    'Deal with literal strings

    if Instr ( line , "'" ) and Comment = 0 then

    if Instr (line , "'" ) < Instr ( line , "--" ) or Instr ( line , "--" ) = 0 then

    line = replace (line , "'" , "`")

    tmpLine = ""

    while Instr ( Line , "`" ) > 0

    if InAString = 0 then

    tmpLine = tmpline & left ( line , Instr( line, "`") - 1)

    tmpline = colorize (tmpLine)

    line = right ( line , len(line) - Instr ( line , "`" ) + 1 )

    line = replace ( line , "`" , "<font color=red>'" , 1 , 1 )

    end if

    if Instr ( line , "`" ) > 0 then

    line = replace ( line , "`" , "'</font>" , 1 , 1 )

    InAString = 0


    InAString = 1

    end if

    if InAString = 0 then

    tmpLine = tmpLine & left ( line , Instr (line , "</font>") + 6 )


    line = right (line , len(line) - Instr (line , "</font>") - 6 )



    tmpLine = tmpLine & line

    line = ""

    end if



    line = colorize (line )


    line = tmpLine & line


    AString = 1

    end if

    end if

    'Colorize Everything Else

    IF Comment = 0 AND Instr( line , "*/" ) = 0 and AString = 0 and InAString = 0 then

    line = colorize (line)

    end if

    line = crossindex (line)

    Response.write( line & "<br>")


    ' close and clean up


    set file = nothing

    set fso = nothing

    End Sub 'Main

    function normalize (line)

    line = replace ( line , " ( " , "(" )

    line = replace ( line , " (" , "(" )

    line = replace ( line , "( " , "(" )

    line = replace ( line , "(" , " ( " )

    line = replace ( line , " ) " , ")" )

    line = replace ( line , " )" , ")" )

    line = replace ( line , ") " , ")" )

    line = replace ( line , ")" , " ) " )

    line = replace ( line , " = " , "=" )

    line = replace ( line , " =" , "=" )

    line = replace ( line , "= " , "=" )

    line = replace ( line , "=" , " = " )

    'line = replace ( line , " < " , "<" )

    'line = replace ( line , " <" , "<" )

    'line = replace ( line , "< " , "<" )

    line = replace ( line , "<" , " < " )

    'line = replace ( line , " > " , ">" )

    'line = replace ( line , " >" , ">" )

    'line = replace ( line , "> " , ">" )

    line = replace ( line , ">" , " > " )

    line = replace ( line , "< >" , "<> " )

    line = replace ( line , "> =" , ">=" )

    line = replace ( line , "< =" , "<=" )

    normalize = line

    End Function

    Function crossindex(line)

    if Instr( line , "JOB_IP_TBLIPHISTORYARCHIVE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "JOB_IP_TBLIPHISTORYARCHIVE" , "<A HREF=''>JOB_IP_TBLIPHISTORYARCHIVE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SPDELHCWOVCIS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SPDELHCWOVCIS" , "<A HREF=''>SPDELHCWOVCIS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SPDELVPIWOVCIS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SPDELVPIWOVCIS" , "<A HREF=''>SPDELVPIWOVCIS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SPF_CALCBESTMASK" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SPF_CALCBESTMASK" , "<A HREF=''>SPF_CALCBESTMASK</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_ADDADMINISTRATOR" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_ADDADMINISTRATOR" , "<A HREF=''>SP_ADDADMINISTRATOR</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_ADDPRODUCT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_ADDPRODUCT" , "<A HREF=''>SP_ADDPRODUCT</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_ALLOCATEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_ALLOCATEIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_ALLOCATEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_ARCHIVEIPHISTORY" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_ARCHIVEIPHISTORY" , "<A HREF=''>SP_ARCHIVEIPHISTORY</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_ASSIGNIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_ASSIGNIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_ASSIGNIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CALCBESTMASKANDNEXTIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CALCBESTMASKANDNEXTIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CALCBESTMASKANDNEXTIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CALCIPMINUSIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CALCIPMINUSIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CALCIPMINUSIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CALCIPORIPINTEGER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CALCIPORIPINTEGER" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CALCIPORIPINTEGER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CALCIPORIPINTEGERTEST" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CALCIPORIPINTEGERTEST" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CALCIPORIPINTEGERTEST</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CALCIPPLUSIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CALCIPPLUSIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CALCIPPLUSIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CALCPOPULATION" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CALCPOPULATION" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CALCPOPULATION</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CLREMAILFAILURES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CLREMAILFAILURES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CLREMAILFAILURES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CLREMAILSUCCESSES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CLREMAILSUCCESSES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CLREMAILSUCCESSES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CLRLOGGING" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CLRLOGGING" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CLRLOGGING</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_CREATEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_CREATEIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_CREATEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_DEASSIGNIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_DEASSIGNIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_DEASSIGNIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_DELETEADMINISTRATOR" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_DELETEADMINISTRATOR" , "<A HREF=''>SP_DELETEADMINISTRATOR</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_DELETEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_DELETEIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_DELETEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_DELETEPRODUCT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_DELETEPRODUCT" , "<A HREF=''>SP_DELETEPRODUCT</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_DISPLAYOAERRORINFO" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_DISPLAYOAERRORINFO" , "<A HREF=''>SP_DISPLAYOAERRORINFO</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_DYNAMIC" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_DYNAMIC" , "<A HREF=''>SP_DYNAMIC</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_DYNAMICPROVISIONING" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_DYNAMICPROVISIONING" , "<A HREF=''>SP_DYNAMICPROVISIONING</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_EDITADMINISTRATOR" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_EDITADMINISTRATOR" , "<A HREF=''>SP_EDITADMINISTRATOR</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_EMAILADMINS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_EMAILADMINS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_EMAILADMINS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_EMAILALERT1" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_EMAILALERT1" , "<A HREF=''>SP_EMAILALERT1</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_EMAILFAILURES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_EMAILFAILURES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_EMAILFAILURES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_EMAILSUCCESSES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_EMAILSUCCESSES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_EMAILSUCCESSES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_EMAILSUCCESSESTEST" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_EMAILSUCCESSESTEST" , "<A HREF=''>SP_EMAILSUCCESSESTEST</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_FSOREAD" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_FSOREAD" , "<A HREF=''>SP_FSOREAD</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_FSOWRITE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_FSOWRITE" , "<A HREF=''>SP_FSOWRITE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETADMINISTRATORS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETADMINISTRATORS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETADMINISTRATORS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETALLPRODUCTS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETALLPRODUCTS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETALLPRODUCTS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETBESTCIDRBOUNDARY" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETBESTCIDRBOUNDARY" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETBESTCIDRBOUNDARY</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETCIDRBOUNDARY" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETCIDRBOUNDARY" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETCIDRBOUNDARY</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETEMAILADMINS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETEMAILADMINS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETEMAILADMINS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETEMAILFAILURES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETEMAILFAILURES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETEMAILFAILURES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETEMAILSUCCESSES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETEMAILSUCCESSES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETEMAILSUCCESSES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETGUI_URL" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETGUI_URL" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETGUI_URL</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETHISTORY" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETHISTORY" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETHISTORY</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETIPADDRESSES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTER" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTERRF" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTERRF" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTERRF</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTERRT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTERRT" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETIPADDRESSMASTERRT</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETLOCATIONS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETLOCATIONS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETLOCATIONS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETLOGGING" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETLOGGING" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETLOGGING</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETMAILTYPE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETMAILTYPE" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETMAILTYPE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETPRODUCTS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETPRODUCTS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETPRODUCTS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETPROVIDERS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETPROVIDERS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETPROVIDERS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETPROVISIONING" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETPROVISIONING" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETPROVISIONING</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETROUTERS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETROUTERS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETROUTERS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETSMTP_UNC" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETSMTP_UNC" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETSMTP_UNC</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETSQLSERVER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETSQLSERVER" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETSQLSERVER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_GETTYPES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_GETTYPES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_GETTYPES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_HEXADECIMAL" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_HEXADECIMAL" , "<A HREF=''>SP_HEXADECIMAL</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_INITIALIZE_TBLERRORDATA" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_INITIALIZE_TBLERRORDATA" , "<A HREF=''>SP_INITIALIZE_TBLERRORDATA</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_INSERTPRODUCT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_INSERTPRODUCT" , "<A HREF=''>SP_INSERTPRODUCT</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_IPFILLER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_IPFILLER" , "<A HREF=''>SP_IPFILLER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_LOGERROR" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_LOGERROR" , "<A HREF=''>SP_LOGERROR</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_MRFILLER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_MRFILLER" , "<A HREF=''>SP_MRFILLER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_NEWPRODUCT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_NEWPRODUCT" , "<A HREF=''>SP_NEWPRODUCT</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_QALLOCATEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_QALLOCATEIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_QALLOCATEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_QCREATEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_QCREATEIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_QCREATEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_QRELEASEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_QRELEASEIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_QRELEASEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_RECLAIMIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_RECLAIMIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_RECLAIMIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_RELEASEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_RELEASEIP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_RELEASEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_REMOVEPRODUCT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_REMOVEPRODUCT" , "<A HREF=''>SP_REMOVEPRODUCT</a>" ) End If


    if Instr( line , "SP_REPORTS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_REPORTS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_REPORTS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETEMAILADMINS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETEMAILADMINS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETEMAILADMINS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETEMAILFAILURES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETEMAILFAILURES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETEMAILFAILURES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETEMAILSUCCESSES" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETEMAILSUCCESSES" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETEMAILSUCCESSES</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETGUI_URL" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETGUI_URL" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETGUI_URL</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETLOGGING" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETLOGGING" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETLOGGING</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETSMTP_UNC" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETSMTP_UNC" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETSMTP_UNC</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETSQLSERVER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETSQLSERVER" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETSQLSERVER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETUSESMTP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETUSESMTP" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETUSESMTP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SETUSESQLAGENT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SETUSESQLAGENT" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SETUSESQLAGENT</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_SPECIALCASESUBNETS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_SPECIALCASESUBNETS" , "<A HREF=''>SP_SPECIALCASESUBNETS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TABLESEARCH" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TABLESEARCH" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TABLESEARCH</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TABLESEARCH2" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TABLESEARCH2" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TABLESEARCH2</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG1" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG1" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG1</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG2" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG2" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG2</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG3" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG3" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG3</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG4" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG4" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG4</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG5" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG5" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG5</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG6" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG6" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG6</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG8" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG8" , "<A HREF=''>SP_TRANSFERIPDB2HWCONFIG8</a>" ) End If


    if Instr( line , "SP_VCIMANUAL" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_VCIMANUAL" , "<A HREF=''>SP_VCIMANUAL</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "SP_VCIMGR" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "SP_VCIMGR" , "<A HREF=''>SP_VCIMGR</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TABLE_X_IP_RETURN" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TABLE_X_IP_RETURN" , "<A HREF=''>TABLE_X_IP_RETURN</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLCENTRALOFFICE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLCENTRALOFFICE" , "<A HREF=''>TBLCENTRALOFFICE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLCIRCUITS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLCIRCUITS" , "<A HREF=''>TBLCIRCUITS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLCONFIGURATION" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLCONFIGURATION" , "<A HREF=''>TBLCONFIGURATION</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLERRORDATA" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLERRORDATA" , "<A HREF=''>TBLERRORDATA</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLHISTORYARCHIVE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLHISTORYARCHIVE" , "<A HREF=''>TBLHISTORYARCHIVE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLIPADDRESS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLIPADDRESS" , "<A HREF=''>TBLIPADDRESS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLIPHISTORY" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLIPHISTORY" , "<A HREF=''>TBLIPHISTORY</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLIPHISTORYARCHIVE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLIPHISTORYARCHIVE" , "<A HREF=''>TBLIPHISTORYARCHIVE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLLOCATION" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLLOCATION" , "<A HREF=''>TBLLOCATION</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLLOGINLEVEL" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLLOGINLEVEL" , "<A HREF=''>TBLLOGINLEVEL</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLNETDATA" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLNETDATA" , "<A HREF=''>TBLNETDATA</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLPLP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLPLP" , "<A HREF=''>TBLPLP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLPRODUCT" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLPRODUCT" , "<A HREF=''>TBLPRODUCT</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLPROVIDER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLPROVIDER" , "<A HREF=''>TBLPROVIDER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLPROVIDERCO" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLPROVIDERCO" , "<A HREF=''>TBLPROVIDERCO</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLPVC" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLPVC" , "<A HREF=''>TBLPVC</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLROUTERPLP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLROUTERPLP" , "<A HREF=''>TBLROUTERPLP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLROUTER " ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLROUTER" , "<A HREF=''>TBLROUTER</a> " ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLROUTER," ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLROUTER," , "<A HREF=''>TBLROUTER</a>," ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLROUTER." ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLROUTER." , "<A HREF=''>TBLROUTER</a>." ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLSECURITYLEVEL" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLSECURITYLEVEL" , "<A HREF=''>TBLSECURITYLEVEL</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLTESTSTUFF" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLTESTSTUFF" , "<A HREF=''>TBLTESTSTUFF</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLTYPECONVERSION" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLTYPECONVERSION" , "<A HREF=''>TBLTYPECONVERSION</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLTYPE " ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLTYPE" , "<A HREF=''>TBLTYPE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TBLVPI" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TBLVPI" , "<A HREF=''>TBLVPI</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TESTSP_ALLOCATEIP" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TESTSP_ALLOCATEIP" , "<A HREF=''>TESTSP_ALLOCATEIP</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TR_D_PERCENTINUSE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TR_D_PERCENTINUSE" , "<A HREF=''>TR_D_PERCENTINUSE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TR_D_TBLIPADDRESS" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TR_D_TBLIPADDRESS" , "<A HREF=''>TR_D_TBLIPADDRESS</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TR_IU_FLDORDERID" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TR_IU_FLDORDERID" , "<A HREF=''>TR_IU_FLDORDERID</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TR_IU_PERCENTINUSE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TR_IU_PERCENTINUSE" , "<A HREF=''>TR_IU_PERCENTINUSE</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TR_I_IPFILLER" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TR_I_IPFILLER" , "<A HREF=''>TR_I_IPFILLER</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "TR_I_TBLIPHISTORY" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TR_I_TBLIPHISTORY" , "<A HREF=''>TR_I_TBLIPHISTORY</a>" ) End If


    if Instr( line , "TR_U_MASK" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "TR_U_MASK" , "<A HREF=''>TR_U_MASK</a>" ) End If

    if Instr( line , "VPIUPDATE_FLDCHANGEDDATE" ) > 0 then line = Replace( line , "VPIUPDATE_FLDCHANGEDDATE" , "<A HREF=''>VPIUPDATE_FLDCHANGEDDATE</a>" ) End If

    WHILE Instr ( line , " " ) > 0

    line = replace (line , " " , " ")


    Crossindex = line

    end function

    function colorize(line)

    dim comments

    if Instr(line , "--" ) > 0 then

    comments = "<font color=darkgreen>" & + right( line , len (line ) - Instr(line , "--" ) + 1 ) & "</font>"

    line = left (line , Instr(line , "--" ) - 1 )


    comments = ""

    end if

    'line = replace ( line , "--" , "<font color=darkgreen>--" ) & "</font>"

    line = replace ( line , "<" , "<font color=gray><</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , ">" , "<font color=gray>></font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " EXISTS " , " <font color=gray>EXISTS</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "AND " , CHR(9) & "<font color=gray>AND</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " AND " , " <font color=gray>AND</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " NOT " , " <font color=gray>NOT</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "AND " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "AND " , "<font color=gray>AND</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "OR " , CHR(9) & "<font color=gray>OR</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " OR " , " <font color=gray>OR</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "OR " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "OR " , "<font color=gray>OR</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "@@FETCH_STATUS" , "<font color=magenta>@@FETCH_STATUS</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISNULL" , "<font color=magenta>ISNULL</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DELETED" , "<font color=magenta>DELETED</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "REPLACE" , "<font color=magenta>REPLACE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DATEPART" , "<font color=magenta>DATEPART</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "SUBSTRING" , "<font color=magenta>SUBSTRING</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " LEN" , " <font color=magenta>LEN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "GETDATE" , "<font color=magenta>GETDATE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "INSERTED" , "<font color=magenta>INSERTED</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NULL)" , "<font color=gray>NULL</font>)" )

    line = replace ( line , "NULL " , "<font color=gray>NULL</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " NULL" , " <font color=gray>NULL</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "(" , "<font color=gray>(</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , ")" , "<font color=gray>)</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "ELSE", CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>ELSE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "ELSE " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ELSE " , " <font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "ELSE " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ELSE " , "<font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "DROP PROCEDURE " , "<font color=blue>DROP PROCEDURE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " IF " , " <font color=blue>IF</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "IF " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>IF</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "IF " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "IF " , "<font color=blue>IF</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "VALUES " , "<font color=blue>VALUES</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "CAST " , "<font color=blue>CAST</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "INSERT " , "<font color=blue>INSERT</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "DELETE " , "<font color=blue>DELETE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "UPDATE " , "<font color=blue>UPDATE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "SELECT" , "<font color=blue>SELECT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "GOTO" , "<font color=blue>GOTO</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "SELECT" , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>SELECT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "LIKE" , "<font color=blue>LIKE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "WHERE" , "<font color=blue>WHERE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " ORDER " , " <font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "ORDER " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "RETURN" , "<font color=blue>RETURN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ENDSAVE" , "<font color=blue>ENDSAVE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , chr(9) & "END" , chr(9) & "<font color=blue>END</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "END " , "<font color=blue>END</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "BEGIN" , "<font color=blue>BEGIN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "OPEN" , "<font color=blue>OPEN</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DEALLOCATE" , "<font color=blue>DEALLOCATE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "CLOSE" , "<font color=blue>CLOSE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "INTO" , "<font color=blue>INTO</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "FETCH " , "<font color=blue>FETCH</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "NEXT" , "<font color=blue>NEXT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "FROM" , "<font color=blue>FROM</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "COMMIT" , "<font color=blue>COMMIT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "TRANSACTION" , "<font color=blue>TRANSACTION</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "QUITWITHROLLBACK" , "<font color=blue>QUITWITHROLLBACK</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ROLLBACK" , "<font color=blue>ROLLBACK</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "WITH " , "<font color=blue>WITH</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "WHILE" , "<font color=blue>WHILE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NOLOCK" , "<font color=blue>NOLOCK</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " IS " , " <font color=blue>IS</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " IN " , " <font color=blue>IN</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "EXEC " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>EXEC</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " EXEC " , " <font color=blue>EXEC</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "EXECUTE " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>EXECUTE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "EXECUTE " , "<font color=blue>EXECUTE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , CHR(9) & "SET " , CHR(9) & "<font color=blue>SET</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " SET " , " <font color=blue>SET</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "SET " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "SET " , "<font color=blue>SET</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , "QUOTED_IDENTIFIER" , "<font color=blue>QUOTED_IDENTIFIER</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ANSI_NULLS" , "<font color=blue>ANSI_NULLS</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " OFF " , " <font color=blue>OFF</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ON " , " <font color=blue>ON</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ON" & CHR(13) , " <font color=blue>ON</font>" & CHR(13) )

    line = replace ( line , " ON" & CHR(10) , " <font color=blue>ON</font>" & CHR(10) )

    line = replace ( line , " ON" & CHR(9) , " <font color=blue>ON</font>" & CHR(9) )

    if Instr( line , "ON " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ON " , "<font color=blue>ON</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " AS " , " <font color=blue>AS</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "AS " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "AS " , "<font color=blue>AS</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " ELSE " , " <font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "ELSE " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ELSE " , "<font color=blue>ELSE</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " ORDER " , " <font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "ORDER " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "ORDER " , "<font color=blue>ORDER</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " BY " , " <font color=blue>BY</font> " )

    if Instr( line , "BY " ) = 1 then

    line = replace ( line , "BY " , "<font color=blue>BY</font> " )

    END IF

    line = replace ( line , " ID " , " <font color=blue>ID</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , " ID," , " <font color=blue>ID</font>," )

    line = replace ( line , "CHARINDEX" , "<font color=magenta>CHARINDEX</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " CHAR" , " <font color=blue>CHAR</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "VARCHAR" , "<font color=blue>VARCHAR</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DECLARE" , "<font color=blue>DECLARE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " BIT" , " <font color=blue>BIT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " INT" , " <font color=blue>INT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " SMALLINT" , " <font color=blue>SMALLINT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , " BINARY" , " <font color=blue>BINARY</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "DATETIME" , "<font color=blue>DATETIME</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ASCII" , "<font color=blue>ASCII</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NOCOUNT ON" , "<font color=blue>NOCOUNT ON</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "NOCOUNT" , "<font color=blue>NOCOUNT</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "CREATE PROCEDURE " , "<font color=blue>CREATE PROCEDURE</font> " )

    line = replace ( line , "(N'" , "(N<font color=RED>'" )

    line = replace ( line , "')" , "'</FONT>)" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISPROCEDURE" , "<font color=red>ISPROCEDURE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISTABLE" , "<font color=red>ISTABLE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISTRIGGER" , "<font color=red>ISTRIGGER</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "ISINDEX" , "<font color=red>ISINDEX</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "SYSOBJECTS" , "<font color=green>SYSOBJECTS</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "COALESCE" , "<font color=magenta>COALESCE</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "LTRIM" , "<font color=magenta>LTRIM</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "RTRIM" , "<font color=magenta>RTRIM</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "CHARINDEX" , "<font color=magenta>CHARINDEX</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "OBJECT_ID" , "<font color=magenta>OBJECT_ID</font>" )

    line = replace ( line , "OBJECTPROPERTY" , "<font color=magenta>OBJECTPROPERTY</font>" )

    line = line & " " & comments

    comments = ""

    colorize = line

    'Response.Write("CL:" & line)

    end function




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  • Thanks for the code Erik!


  • I have been using TextPad ( to edit most of my scripts and other text documents, such as batch file, perl, xml, etc.

    One of its great features is creating document classes. Each document class can have different syntax highlighting (or as you term it "colorization". ). It highlights keywords, comments, strings, etc. Many have contributed their syntax files in the website, which you can use.

    I bumped into TextPad from a SQLServer.Pro article. After using it, I did not know how I survived without it.

  • I used EditPlus. Similar in that you can setup different types of documents and specify which keywords are highlighted, what are comments, etc.

    Steve Jones

  • I just tend to stick with Query Analyzer or work in NotePad (yeah just plain old text). And had got curious about this previously. I will say thou in previous experience there were some things I expected to output one way and they did not when the parser returned but right now I cannot remember what. I have an app I started for fun sort of like this and wanted to create a single platform for SQL, Oracle, Informix and Sybase as I work with these often and sometimes use keywords as names (forgetting the differences) or using keywords that are not available.

  • I use the the SQL parser object in an application. When I try to parse a SQL statement containing "\",  the color codes shows in my richtextbox insted of colorized text.

    select field1 + '\' +field2 from table

    Any thoughts?

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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