Truth and Demos

  • Good solid recommendations Steve. Thanks.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • I did a stint a while back with a firm that provided software solutions (term used loosely) for the mortgage servicing industry. It was typical while providing software demos on-site to blame the client's firewall (etc) for the frequent errors - "Oh must be your network, doesn't do this when it's configured correctly....". That sort of thing.

    They had me mock-up fake screen shots for vapor-ware that they'd go out and market, and even had placed adverts in trade journals for the same non-existent software. Hrmmmm. Hard to imagine why they went out of business.

    Making commitments that can't or won't be kept never works out for anyone involved.

    Thanks Steve for reminding us to keep integrity in our toolkit.

    [font="Courier New"]Looking for a Deadlock Victim Support Group..[/font]

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