Truncating Transaction Logs

  • We are writing queries to determine if a transaction log was truncated since the last backup.  We have found a way to do this with the first and last lsn's.


    BUT!!  Does anyone know if an entry is created in any database acknowledging that the transaction log was backed up with a TRUNCATE_ONLY command?


    Thanks Everyone!!

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • I guess not. Maybe it only comes available if the log is rolledover

    I've tested this small sample, and the restore to the new db workd without a warning

    So If there were any registration, the last log-restore should fail !


    create database DTEST



    TO disk='c:\dtestfull.bak'



    use dtest


    create table dbo.tttt(col1 int not null)


    insert into dbo.tttt values(1)


    backup log DTEST

    TO disk='c:\dtestLog.bak'


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    backup log DTEST

    TO disk='c:\dtestLog.bak'


    -- --

    -- -- The CREATE DATABASE process is allocating 0.63 MB on disk 'DTEST'.

    -- -- The CREATE DATABASE process is allocating 0.49 MB on disk 'DTEST_log'.

    -- -- Processed 80 pages for database 'DTEST', file 'DTEST' on file 1.

    -- -- Processed 1 pages for database 'DTEST', file 'DTEST_log' on file 1.

    -- -- BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 81 pages in 0.057 seconds (11.515 MB/sec).

    -- --

    -- -- (1 row(s) affected)

    -- --

    -- -- Processed 1 pages for database 'DTEST', file 'DTEST_log' on file 1.

    -- -- BACKUP LOG successfully processed 1 pages in 0.030 seconds (0.221 MB/sec).

    -- --

    -- -- (1 row(s) affected)

    -- --

    -- --

    -- -- (1 row(s) affected)

    -- --

    -- --

    -- -- (1 row(s) affected)

    -- --

    -- -- Processed 1 pages for database 'DTEST', file 'DTEST_log' on file 2.

    -- -- BACKUP LOG successfully processed 1 pages in 0.030 seconds (0.051 MB/sec).

    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    BACKUP LOG ddbastatistics WITH  truncate_only


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    insert into dbo.tttt

    select max(col1) + 1 from dbo.tttt


    backup log DTEST

    TO disk='c:\dtestLog.bak'



    select max(col1) as max_col1, count(*) as No_Rows  from dbo.tttt

    use master


    declare @Logbackup_Filename varchar(500)

    declare @Restore_New_DBname varchar(128)

    select @Logbackup_Filename = 'c:\dtestLog.bak'

     , @Restore_New_DBname = 'DTEST1'

    declare @RestoreDb_stmt varchar(5000)

    select @RestoreDb_stmt = 'restore database ' + @Restore_New_DBname + '

    FROM DISK = ''c:\dtestfull.bak''

     WITH MOVE N''DTEST'' TO N''U:\yourpath\Data\' + @Restore_New_DBname + '.mdf''

    , MOVE N''DTEST_log'' TO N''S:\yourpath\Log\' + @Restore_New_DBname + '_log.LDF''

        , replace

        , NoRecovery '

    exec (@RestoreDb_stmt)

    if (select isnull( object_id(N'tempdb.[dbo].[#Tmp_BackupHeaders]'), 0)) <> 0


     DROP table #Tmp_BackupHeaders


    -- versie SQL2K sp3a

    create table #Tmp_BackupHeaders (

    BackupName nvarchar(128)

    ,BackupDescription  nvarchar(255)

    ,BackupType smallint

    ,ExpirationDate datetime

    ,Compressed tinyint

    ,Position smallint

    ,DeviceType tinyint

    ,UserName nvarchar(128)

    ,ServerName nvarchar(128)

    ,DatabaseName nvarchar(128)

    ,DatabaseVersion  int

    ,DatabaseCreationDate  datetime

    ,BackupSize numeric(20,0)

    ,FirstLSN numeric(25,0)

    ,LastLSN numeric(25,0)

    ,CheckpointLSN  numeric(25,0)

    ,DatabaseBackupLSN  numeric(25,0)

    ,BackupStartDate  datetime

    ,BackupFinishDate  datetime

    ,SortOrder smallint

    ,CodePage smallint

    ,UnicodeLocaleId int

    , UnicodeComparisonStyle int

    , CompatibilityLevel  tinyint

    , SoftwareVendorId  int

    ,SoftwareVersionMajor  int

    ,SoftwareVersionMinor  int

    ,SoftwareVersionBuild  int

    ,MachineName nvarchar(128)

    ,Flags int

    ,BindingID uniqueidentifier

    ,RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier

    ,Collation nvarchar(128)


    declare @sql varchar(5000)

    set @sql = 'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @Logbackup_Filename + ''' '

    insert into #Tmp_BackupHeaders

    exec (@SQL)

    declare csrRestoreLog cursor  for

    select 'print ''-- db [' + convert(varchar(128),DatabaseName) + '] -- ' + convert(varchar(15), Position)

    + ' -- LSN ' + convert(varchar(128), FirstLSN ) + ' <-> ' +  convert(varchar(128), LastLSN )

    + ' -- BackupDate ' + convert(varchar(25), BackupStartDate, 121) + ' <--> ' + convert(varchar(25), BackupFinishDate, 121)

    + ' ''' + char(13)

    + 'Restore Log ' + @Restore_New_DBname + '

    FROM DISK = ''' + @Logbackup_Filename + '''

     WITH FILE = ' + convert(varchar(15),Position) + char(13)

    + case Position when M.MAX_Position then ' , Recovery '

      else ' , NoRecovery '


    -- + char(13) + 'GO'

    from #Tmp_BackupHeaders

    , (select max(Position) as MAX_Position from #Tmp_BackupHeaders ) M

    order by Position

    declare @RestoreLog_stmt varchar(5000)

    open csrRestoreLog

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrRestoreLog

     INTO @RestoreLog_stmt



     exec (@RestoreLog_stmt)

     -- Volgende rij inlezen

     FETCH NEXT FROM csrRestoreLog

      INTO @RestoreLog_stmt


    -- Cursor afsluiten

    CLOSE csrRestoreLog

    DEALLOCATE csrRestoreLog


    select max(col1) as max_col1, count(*) as No_Rows  from DTEST1.dbo.tttt




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  • Not what I expected.  Very interesting to say the least.   I wonder if throwing a CHECKPOINT at the database before the truncate would have effected the restore..Something doesn't seem right


    Looks like I am going to play (test) today too.  Now my curiousity is going!!

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • Alert 18278 fires when log gets truncated. You can configure this.

  • Hi everybody,

    I found this thread kind of late, but is only now that I've got the problem! I configured an alert on 18278 to net send a message when the transaction log is truncated for <mydb>. The alerts is  active, the operator to be notified is OK (receives notifications from other alerts and the test is sending the message).

    Then I issued:

    backup log mydb with truncate_only

    I was expecting to see the pop-up window sent when the alert was fired, but nothing happened. I can see in SS2K error log that the log for that database was truncated but the alert didn't fire (Count shows 0 in the EM).

    Can anybody help with an explanation?



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