Truncating the Transaction Log (not resizing it)

  • Using SQL Server 2000, SP2.

    I have a problem whereby a Transaction Log is not clearing down after a full backup has been taken.

    If I perform a TRUNCATE LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY prior to the backup, the Log is truncated as expected.

    Has anyone else experienced this / any suggestions.

    Note: I do NOT want to shrink the size of the log - i.e. DBCC SHRINKDATABASE.

    Many thanks,

  • Are you replicating anything? Transactions marked for replication have to be cleared by the log reader before they can be purged.


  • Thanks for the responses.

    The Log does not appear to be clearing at all after a Full Backup is taken - i.e. it stays at around 95% (though a TRUNCATE LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY takes it back down to about 4%)

    No Replication is taking place on the database - I have checked with the Server Properties and it is not set up as Publisher or Subscriber.

  • Ok I have never worried about this since after my last differential for the week I truncate the logs anyway. However I keep hearing and too myself thought the Log was truncated when Full was done but have never seen that as the case, nor have I read in any of the MS documentation that, that happens. Can anyone point me to a piece from MS where this is stated as I am begining to think that has never been the case. Anyway My personal method has been differentail finish, full backup of non-reconverable databases to local drive system (not on same array) truncate log, wait day, full backup to tape.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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